    摘要:    衡量一门课的教学质量和教学效果有很多种测评方法,考试测评是最通常使用的方法。因而一份试卷的质量好坏直接决定了教学测评结果的优劣。过去教师出卷的过程比较缓慢冗长,例如从大量的题库中挑选合适的题目组卷或者在各类书本里挑选题目组卷,一方面难以把控试卷的难易程度,另一方面加大了教师们的工作量,耗时又费力。为使广大教师团体能从以往繁琐的出卷枷锁里解脱出来,同时又能提高试卷的质量、难易程度的把控、以及试题库管理的规范化、科学化和有效化,本文开发了一个通用题库管理系统。经过全面充分的需求分析,设计并实现了通用题库管理系统,主要功能是导入试题库,系统组卷,所组试卷能自行选择难易程度和课程相关等,以及一个用户管理的功能。经过测试调试,目前该系统能平稳得在Windows 2000/XP/Vista平台上运行,基本达到了设计目标,具有一定的使用价值。29725
    毕业论文关键词:    系统组卷;试题库;Visual C#;Sql Server
    General question bank management system design
    Abstract:     There are many kinds of evaluation methods to measure the teaching quality and teaching effect of a course, testing results is the most commonly used method. So that the quality of a paper directly determines the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching evaluation results. In the past the process of teachers drafting out a test paper is very slow. For example, teachers choose suitable subjects from a lot of question bank to draft an examination,or choose from all kinds of books in the selected topic. On the one hand, it’s difficult to control the difficulty of the examination paper, on the other hand, it increases the teachers’ workload ,time-consuming and laborious. In order to make the teachers group to volume from the previous tedious fetters, at the same time can improve the quality of the test paper, ease the control, as well as the examination management standardized, scientific and effective, this paper developed a general question bank management system.After full of demand analysis,General Test bank management system was designed and implemented.Main function is to import the test database,the system sets,the degree of examination paper can choose and course,etc,and a user management function.Through testing and debugging,at present the system can smoothly run on Windows2000/XP/Vista platform,basically reached the design target,has certain using value.
    Keywords:    System sets; Item bank; Visual C#; Sql Server
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.1.1 研究水平    2
    1.1.2 发展趋势    4
    1.2 本课题研究的基本内容    5
    1.3 本文安排    5
    2 需求分析    7
    2.1 用户需求    7
    2.2 功能需求    7
    2.3 业务流程图    8
    2.4 性能需求    9
    2.4.1 加载数据效率要求    9
    2.4.2 界面风格要求    9
    2.5 可行性分析    9
    2.5.1 管理可行性    9
    2.5.2 经济可行性    9
    2.5.3 技术可行性    9
    2.6 数据流程分析    10
    2.6.1 数据流程图    10
    2.6.2 数据字典    11
    2.7 开发环境    15
    2.7.1 软件环境    15
    2.7.2 软件环境    15
    3 系统设计    16
    3.1 系统功能模块图    16
    3.1.1 系统管理模块    17
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