本文通过ASP.NET(C#)、ADO.NET、SQL Server技术,搭建基于B/S架构。客户端(前台)实现用户的注册与的登录、最新新闻展示、热评新闻展示、新闻查找、留言板等功能。服务器端(后台)实现用户管理、新闻管理、留言管理、系统管理等功能。该系统具备了新闻发布系统的基本功能,比较适合小型企业和单位用于少量信息发布和信息交互。
毕业论文关键词: ASP.NET;ADO.NET;新闻发布;网站开发;B/S
Press Releases Website Development
Abstract: The rapid development of the Internet today, companies and organizations publish information or news also undergone tremendous changes. Enterprises and units have come to show the goods to users through the establishment of their own press releases website and impart information and information exchange and so on. How to build an effective website is the focus of research. Through analysis, an efficient press release sites need to have good design、rich functionality、extensive news、good interactive、fast response、feedback and effective delivery and other information.
Through ASP.NET (C #)、 ADO.NET、 SQL Server technology, build on B / S architecture. Client (foreground) to achieve user registration and login, the latest news shows, reping news shows, news search, message boards and other functions. Server-side (background) user management、 information management、message management、 system management functions. The system has the basic functions of the news release system, more suitable for small-scale enterprises and units for small amounts of information dissemination and information exchange.
Keywords: ASP.NET; ADO.NET; Press Releases; Website Development; B/S
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 相关技术理论概述 2
1.3.1 .NET Framework概述 2
1.3.2 ASP.NET、ADO.NET概述 2
1.3.3 SQL Server 2005概述 4
1.3.4 黑盒与白盒测试 5
2 系统分析 6
2.1 系统需求分析 6
2.1.1 前台需求分析 6
2.1.2 后台管理需求分析 6
2.1.3 数据库需求分析 7
2.1.4 B/S连接需求分析 9
2.2 系统性能需求 10
2.3 运行环境要求 11
3 系统详细设计 12
3.1 系统功能设计 12
3.1.1 系统前台设计 12
3.1.2 系统后台设计 24
3.2 数据库设计 31
3.2.1 数据库表的创建 32
3.2.2 数据库关系图 34
3.3 B/S连接的实现 35
- 上一篇:C#+sqlserver车辆租赁管理系统的开发
- 下一篇:jsp+mysql上机课考勤管理系统的设计+源代码