    关键字: 视频加密;C#;DES算法;RSA算法
    Realization of the video encryption and decryption algorithm ’s software modules Based on C#
    Abstract: With the rapid development of computer network, we can obtain from the network more and more detailed resources, multimedia information technology has become the people's daily work, entertainment essential means of communication. Video watch online, download, on-demand, network television, online instructional videos and also life widely used in various fields, also brought along many of the problems. Such as paid video is illegally copied, transmitted, through illegal channels to get unauthorized premium programming and video, to obtain legitimate interests by Communication and downloads on the Internet, and in the military or security department through video by stealing confidential documents hidden secret in order to achieve. Video requires encryption technology to increase the safety and accessibility of files.This article uses the dual DES and RSA encryption method,the video file encryption and decryption work to increase the video information into the security and reliability.
    Key Words: Video encryption; C #; DES algorithm; RSA algorithm
    目  录
    1 绪论     1
    1.1 研究的目的及意义     1
    1.2 主要研究内容    1
    2 国内外研究现状     1
    2.1对称加密算法    1
    2.2 非对称加密算法    2
    2.3 数字信封技术    3
    2.4 数字签名技术    4
    3 DES与RSA算法    5
    3.1 DES算法    5
      3.1.1 DES算法的由来    5
    3.1.2 DES算法详述    6
    3.1.3 DES算法理论图解    8
    3.1.4 DES算法的应用误区    8
    3.2 RSA算法    10
    3.2.1 RSA算法    10
    3.2.2 RSA 的安全性    12
    3.2.3 RSA的速度    12
    3.2.4 RSA的选择密文攻击    12
    3.2.5 RSA的公共模数攻击    13
    4 基于C#视频加密解密算法的总体设计    14
    4.1 总体设计思路    14
    4.2设计工具与语言    14
    4.2.1 C#介绍     14
    4.2.2 语言结构    15
    4.3数据文护工具    18
    4.4系统总体构成    20
    4.4.1 系统简介    20
    4.4.2 系统流程图    20
    5 基于C#视频加密解密算法的具体设计    21
    5.1 数据加扰层    22
    5.1.1 加扰层介绍    22
    5.1.1 关键代码    22
    5.2控制字层    24
    5.3服务层    25
    5.4数据库    25
    6 结论    25
    心得体会    26
    致  谢    27
    参考文献    28
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