    毕业论文关键词: OTO; 移动互联网; 应用平台
    The Development and Design of OTO mobile Internet application platform
    Abstract: Nowadays, the "Online marketing, Offline expense" OTO consumption patterns became more and more popular, some OTO websites became an indispensable part in consumers' life, the intelligent mobile terminals under mobile Internet is growing now, and the development of mobile Internet itself, the OTO consumption patterns have a better platform for the mobile Internet applications. With the understanding of the OTO concept, observing some OTO applications environment and some research of OTO case, influence and contribution, also aim at the development of OTO in this thesis, fully realize the OTO consumption patterns, and use these knowledge as basic, try to design and develop a dynamic website in OTO mode, thus by the program code, the front and back desk interface to learn more about the platform of the applied technology in OTO mode. With the knowledge I had learned in the last 4years about the dynamic web pages, include: HTML, ASP language, ACCESS database and etc. To design a takeout website system which use HTML for framework, ASP language as the core, the ACCESS database for data storage.
    Keywords:  OTO;  mobile internet;  application platform
     目 录
    一、引言    1
    (一) 课题研究的目的与意义    1
    (二) 课题研究的背景    1
    二、课题研究的现状分析和发展趋势    3
    (一) 课题研究的发展现状    3
    1、 OTO的概念    3
    2、 OTO的应用环境和应用案例    3
    3、 OTO的技术支撑    5
    4、 OTO对传统行业的影响    5
    5、 OTO对顾客价值的贡献    5
    (二) 课题研究的发展趋势    6
    1、 OTO的应用领域的拓展    6
    2、 OTO的应用技术平台的拓展    6
    三、系统开发技术介绍    8
    (一) 系统开发语言介绍    8
    1、 ASP语言介绍    8
    2、 VB Script和JAVA Script介绍    9
    (二) 系统开发工具介绍    9
    1、 ACCESS数据库    9
    2、 Dreamweaver    10
    3、 Microsoft IIS 服务器    10
    4、 ADO数据库访问技术    10
    四、系统需求分析和系统规划    11
    (一) 需求分析    11
    1、 系统需求分析概述    11
    2、 功能需求    11
    (二) 系统规划    12
    1、 系统模型    12
    2、 系统流程设计    13
    五、系统总体设计    14
    (一) 系统功能模块设计    14
    1、 系统设计思想    14
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