    摘要:    本课题为基于安卓系统的财务软件的开发,开发一款能在安卓系统下运行的财务软件。经过分析,确定开发一款基于安卓系统的个人理财软件,本软件主要功能为记账,记录个人的收入、支出情况,同时增加一些实用性的小功能,方便个人更好的了解和管理个人的资金流向。在开发过程中,首先要搭建安卓开发环境,这一点尤为重要,目前主流的开发工具是eclipse,在搭建安卓开发环境时需要注意开发工具的版本,经过研究,我建议使用eclipse的SE版本,ADT尽量使用最新的,SDK要下载完整。在开发这款软件的过程中,界面布局对我来说是一个难题,因为安卓的界面布局是基于XML配置文件的,代码较为复杂,经过一番研究,建议采用线性布局和相对布局这两种比较常用的布局结构。安卓财务软件的开发代码量比较大,因此,一定要遵循代码规范的原则,让自己的程序更具有可读性。33230
    毕业论文关键词:    安卓系统;财务软件;代码规范;安卓环境;安卓SDK
    Financial software development of Android
    Abstract:     This object is based on financial accounting software Android software development, the development of a run in the Android system. After analysis, the development of a personal finance software based on Android system, the main function of this software for accounting, record personal income, expenditure, while increasing the number of small practical function to facilitate better understanding and management of inpidual personal capital flows. During development, we must first build the Android development environment, which is particularly important, the current mainstream development tools eclipse, when the need to pay attention to the development environment to build Android development version of the tool, after careful study, I recommend using the eclipse of the SE version, ADT Try to use the latest, SDK to download and complete. In the process of the development of this software, the interface layout is a problem for me, because the interface is based on the layout of Android XML configuration file, the code is more complex, after some research, we recommend using a linear layout and relative placement of these two more common layout structure. Andrews financial software development code than larger, so be sure to follow the Codes of principle, to make their programs more readable.
    Keywords:    Android System; Financial Software; Code Specification; Android Environment; Android SDK
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    v
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的背景、目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外现状    2
    1.3    论文组织结构    2
    2    课题分析    3
    2.1    需求分析概要    3
    2.1.1    课题目标    3
    2.1.2    用户类型    3
    2.1.3    运行环境    3
    2.2    开发环境搭建    4
    2.2.1    开发环境简介    4
    2.2.2    JDK的安装和配置    4
    2.2.3    获取Eclipse    4
    2.2.4    安装ADT    4
    2.2.5    安装Android SDK    5
    2.3    使用ECLIPSE进行ANDROID开发    5
    2.3.1    创建AVD    5
    2.3.2    创建一个Android项目    6
    2.3.3    在AVD下运行Android项目    6
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