    The network questionnaire making website
    Abstract: At present, the development of the network has been very mature, in the daily life of the paper can also find their presence in the network world, such as: network news, e-books, movie tickets, and questionnaire.
    In this way, it is very important to the emergence of network questionnaire can be said. Not only reduces the amount of paper, at the same time for data collection and analysis have greatly improved. The questionnaire is of great help for people to understand the market, a commodity, a concept, and     values and so on.
    From this it seems that the status and importance of the questionnaire is getting better and better.. Then the traditional paper questionnaire can not comply with the era of rapid dissemination of this information. So this topic design a network questionnaire solutions, through the ASP technology, rapid collection of analysis data of the method to design a network survey production site, through network will questionnaire the propagation velocity of maximum acceleration of, and at the same time, save the time, has a faster response in terms of data collection. The most difficult data analysis of the ordinary paper questionnaire can also be the fastest reaction and statistics from the website, which can be said to the initiator, the investigators brought great efficiency and convenience.
    Keywords:    Internet; ASP, Questionnaires;
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国内外研究现状    1
    1.2    研究背景和意义    2
    1.3    本课题所使用技术与价值    2
    2    技术背景    3
    2.1    ASP技术背景    3
    2.2    ACCESS技术背景    3
    2.3    HTML技术背景    3
    2.4    JAVASCRIPT技术简要介绍    3
    3    本课题基本内容    5
    3.1    系统基本构架    5
    3.1.1    客户表现层    6
    3.1.2    服务逻辑处理层    6
    3.1.3    后台数据层    7
    3.2    系统所实现的问卷制作    7
    3.2.1    系统操作流程    7
    3.2.2    添加问题流程    8
    3.3    调查问卷的实现    9
    3.3.1    问卷界面    9
    4    关键技术研究及实现    13
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