    毕业论文关键词:Java Web;网上书店;MVC;MySQL;Tomcat
     The Design and Implementation of Online Bookstore System
    Abstract: While the Internet technology is being more and more integrated into people's lives, people increasingly prefer to online shopping. Besides, books are the ladder of human progress. It is obvious that our lives can never missing books and an efficient, simple and elegant Online Book Ordering System, which can greatly improve our daily lives.
    This system is based on MyEclipse, B/S system structure model and the database used by this system is MySQL. Although I have studied the requirements of Online Bookstore System for only half a year, all practical functions have been included by the sytsem. Users can be devided into administrators and normal users. Normal uses can register system, log in system and check all the books in the system, as well as add a comment and buy books. Administrator can change and add books into booklist, add a regular user and administrators, delete comments, add and delete categories. This system is written in the structure of MVC, whose structure is easy to figure our and maintain. Based on the online bookstore system requirements analysis, detailed design and the actual development as the main clue, online bookstore system given in the design and implementation of the whole process.
    Keywords: Java Web; Online Bookstore; MVC; MySQL; Tomcat
     目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 系统开发关键技术介绍    1
    1.3 开发工具简介    2
    1.3.1 MyEclipse    2
    1.3.2 MySQL    2
    1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
    第2章 需求分析    3
    2.1 可行性研究    3
    2.1.1 经济可行性    3
    2.1.2 操作可行性    3
    2.2 需求分析    3
    2.3 系统功能目标    3
    2.4 本章小结    4
    第3章 系统设计    5
    3.1 总体设计    5
    3.1.1 设计思想    5
    3.1.2 体系结构    5
    3.1.3 软件结构    5
    3.2 详细设计    6
    3.2.1 用户登录模块    6
    3.2.2 密码修改模块。    7
    3.2.3 书目添加提交模块    8
    3.2.4 添加账号模块    8
    3.3 数据库设计    9
    3.3.1 E-R图    9
    3.3.2 数据表结构    10
    3.4 本章小结    12
    第4章 系统实现与测试    13
    4.1 编码实现    13
    4.11 用户模块    14
    4.3本章小结    27
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