    摘  要:20世纪初以来,互联网和电子技术迅速发展。一部分传统的经济销售模式从实体开始向虚拟过度,形成了电子商务。随着电子商务的逐渐普及,在线支付因为快捷,省时省力,越来越受人们欢迎。此时,在线浏览书籍也越来越流行,尤其是电子书的盛行,导致网上书店迅速发展。网上书店打破了传统书店运营模式,现今客户用不着百忙之中去书店选书,也不用为了买到爱书而站着浏览比较很长时间。现在客户可以在家里动动鼠标就可以买到自己心仪的书,省时省力。网上书店更有新品上架,打折专区,店长推荐等栏目,方便用户挑到感兴趣的爱书。该设计网上售书系统应用了myeclipse和mysql两款强大的开发工具,前台和后台功能都较全面。系统拥有清晰明了的界面,让人一目了然,操作简单快捷,易于让各类人群都快速掌握使用方法。该售书系统采用ssh2,性能优越。有用户使用的前台和管理员使用的后台。扩张性好,安全性高,稳点性强。用户首先登录,在前台可以浏览新品上架,打折专区,也可以用强大的搜索功能选择自己想买的书或者搜索要买的书的类别,发现了感兴趣的书之后,可以选看该书的前几个章节。后台功用包含,管理员和用户资料变更,网站的基础讯息变更,订单处理等等。33219
     Design and Implementation of Online Bookstores
    Abstract: Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Internet and the rapid development of electronic technology. Part of the traditional sales model from the real economy began to virtual excessive, formed the electronic commerce. With the growing popularity of the e-commerce, online payment for quick, save time and effort, more and more popular. At this point, the online browsing books also more and more popular, especially the popularity of e-books, lead to rapid development of online bookstore. Online bookstore to break the traditional bookstore operation mode, customer needn't go to the bookshop busy schedule of choosing books today, also need not to buy to love books and browse more standing for a long time. Customers can now move the mouse can be bought at home in their book, save time and effort. Online bookstore is more new stores, discount zone, the manager recommends and other columns, convenient for the user to pick to interested in love books. The online book sales system is designed using the eclipse and mysql two powerful development tools, the front desk and backstage function are more comprehensive. System has a clear interface, let a person be clear at a glance, easy operation, easy to let all people are quick to grasp the method of use. The books system adopts an ssh2, superior performance. Have the user use the front desk and administrators use background. Expansionary is good, high safety, stable point. User login, first at the front desk can browse new stores, discount zone, also can use the powerful search function to choose their own want to buy a book or search to buy book category, found interested in books, can choose to see the book in the first few chapters. Backstage function contains, administrators and users information changes, the basis of the website information change, order processing and so on.
    Keywords: Online Bookstore; Systems; E-commerce
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 研究的意义    1
    1.3 国内研究的现状    2
    1.4 课题的研究准备、技术相关    3
    1.5系统功能    3
    1.6本章小结    3
    第二章 系统开发工具    4
    2.1 MYECLIPSE简介    4
    2.2 MYSQL数据库    4
    2.3本章小结    4
  1. 上一篇:php邮箱收发管理系统设计
  2. 下一篇:jsp+mysql网上购书系统的设计
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