

    本论文论述了杂志社作者在线投稿,编辑在线审核处理稿件的过程。详细列出了此系统开发的设计说明。符合可行性的要求。系统在Visual Studio 2010开发环境下,使用C#语言,ASP.NET技术,B/S开发模式,利用SQL Server 2008数据库,实现了投稿、审稿、发布统一化功能,作者可进行在线注册、在线投稿等;编辑和专家可进行在线评审、稿件管理、版面安排等。

    毕业论文关键词:在线投稿,稿件处理,ASP.NET,SQL Server2008技术,B/S开发模式

    Abstract: There are two traditional paper submission ways, i.e. mail delivery and e-mail. The time of mail delivery and feedback is long, and delivery error and the possible loss is often occurred.Compared with these ways, WEB-based online submission system can improve the work efficiency, speed the manuscript handling and improve the process transparency.

    Based on the background of journal paper submitting, WEB-based online submission and handling process is discussed and the detailed design scheme of the system development description is given in this dissertation. From the feasibility based on the requirements, ASP.NET technique and B/S development model based on WEB is used to complete the system development.This system, based on B/S model, Visual Studio 2010 development environment and SQL Server 2008 database, can realize the purchasing, cataloguing, and releasing integration functions online. The paper author can undertake the functions, such as online registration, online submissions and pay fees. Editor and experts can undertake online review and manuscript management etc.

    Keywords:Online Submission ,Manuscript Handling ,ASP .NET,SQL Server

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    2  系统开发工具与关键技术介绍 1

    2.1  ASP.NET简介 1

    2.2  SQL Server2008简介 2

    3  系统分析 3

    3.1  系统描述 3

    3.1.1  功能模块和结构图 3

    3.1.2  功能描述 4

    3.2  系统可行性分析 4

    3.3  系统数据流图 5

    4  数据库设计 7

    4.1  概念结构设计 8

    4.2  逻辑结构设计 9

    5  系统实现 11

    5.1  作者投稿系统 11

    5.1.1  新作者注册及登录界面 11

    5.1.3  作者个人信息查看与修改 12

    5.1.4  作者密码修改 13

    5.1.5  在线投稿 13

    5.2  审稿及稿件处理系统 14

    5.2.1  专家审核稿件 14

    5.2.2  编辑审稿系统 15

    5.2.3  主编审稿系统 16

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