
    摘要:本系统使用Visual studio 2010作为系统开发环境,用ASP.NET作为前台开发工具,使用C#语言,以SQL Server 2008为后台数据库的开发体系结构。实现了客户提交托运单,管理员配车,物流信息实时跟踪,货物送到目的地后,产生接收单,客户期间跟单的业务功能。管理员能在后台添加出发及到达城市,编辑相对应的路程费用;同时在运输过程中,实时更新货物的物流信息,显示货物当前状态(位置和时间)。简洁的界面和简单的操作基本满足物流运输公司及客户的需要。68333

    毕业论文关键词: 物流信息管理系统,ASP.NET,C#,VS2010,SQL Server2008

    Abstract:With the rapid development of economic globalization, especially the wide application of electronic commerce based on the Internet, as a specialized in logistics service of the logistics market prospect is huge, has become the trend of modern logistics in twenty-first Century. The practice proved that, the construction of the successful operation of logistics enterprises cannot do without the logistics information system, logistics information system has become the core and soul of logistics enterprises. With the rapid development of information technology and knowledge economy, electronic commerce has been popularized and developed. Therefore, the logistics information system of logistics enterprises should adapt to the development of electronic commerce, by means of electronic commerce to make their own improvement and optimization.

    The system uses Visual studio.net 2010 as the development environment of the system, and uses ASP.NET as a development tool, using C# language, using SQL Server 2008 database for the background of the development of architecture.

    Has realized the customer submission waybill, administrator, car, goods to the destination, generating and receiving single, customer during the documentary business functions.

    Key words: logistics information management system,asp.net,c#,vs2010,sql server,b/s 

    目   录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  系统背景介绍 4

    1.2  项目提出的意义 4

    1.3  系统开发方式 4

    1.4  系统开发环境 5

    1.5  相关技术及工具介绍 5

    2  需求分析 7

    2.1  可行性分析 7

    2.2  数据库需求分析 7

    2.3  系统功能需求分析 8

    3  系统设计 8

    3.1  系统总体设计要求 8

    3.2  系统功能总体设计 8

    3.4  数据流图 10

    4  系统详细设计 11

    4.1  主要功能模块详细设计 11

    4.2  数据库结构设计 13

    4.3  数据字典 20

    5  系统实现 24

    5.1  主界面 24

    5.3  客户信息维护列表(frmKhList) 25

    5.4  客户信息维护页面(frmKhMod) 26

    5.5  货物类别维护(frmHwlb) 28

    5.6  配送车辆维护列表(frmCarlist)

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