    E-commerce System Based on ThinkPHP for Market
    Abstract:The rapid development of computer technology and Internet industry has accelerated the globalization of information and the international trade. So there has arisen a new business activity named e-commerce business. It has provided a much more convenient commerce platform for customers and companies. Therefore, it’s quite necessary to develop an efficient and safe e-commerce system. This paper first introduces the research background and content of the e-commerce system and then make a full analysis of the requirement. Then, we discuss the general design of the whole system. On the one hand, the system is used the B/S software architecture and based on the MVC design pattern. On the other hand, by analyzing every component in detail, we decouple the business layer from the service layer. Later on, in the detailed design of the system, we talk about database designing and every sub-functional modules in details. Finally, we finish the system integration testing and the function test of every core Module.
    Key words: B/S architecture; ThinkPHP framework; e-commerce system
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  本文概述    1
    1.2.1  研究内容    1
    1.2.2  论文组织    2
    2  需求分析    2
    2.1  系统分析    2
    2.2  系统功能描述    2
    2.2.1  普通用户权限    2
    2.2.2  超市用户权限    4
    2.2.3  供应商用户权限    8
    2.3  系统运行流程分析    9
    2.3.1  系统流程图    9
    2.3.2  系统活动图    10
    3  总体设计    11
    3.1  系统特点    11
    3.1.1  技术特点    11
    3.1.2  功能特点    12
    3.2  系统结构设计    12
    3.3  系统的总体设计方案    12
    3.4  编程环境的选择    12
    3.4.1  编程语言—PHP    12
    3.4.2  设计模式—MVC    12
    3.4.3  数据库—MySQL    13
    3.5  系统运行环境配置    13
    3.6  数据库设计    13
    3.6.1  E-R实体图    13
    3.6.2  系统物理结构设计    15
    3.6.3  表设计    15
    3.7  时序图    21
    4  详细设计    23
    4.1  系统界面设计    23
    4.1.1  登录界面    23
    4.1.2  商城界面    23
    4.1.3  购物车界面    24
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