    摘要:    随着时代的进步,上网人数的日益剧增,已形成了以互联网多媒体为方向的多元化媒体相互竞争、并行发展的格局。越来越多的企业逐渐开始重视这个互联网这个平台,其中Flash广告因其成本低廉,良好的交互性能在近几年也呈快速发展之势。39002
    The Function Demonstration of Nikon D4S
    Abstract:  With the progress of the times, the number of Internet users increases, it has formed a pattern of Internet multimedia for the direction of persified media competition, parallel development. More and more business customers started to attach importance to the propaganda and display platform, flash web advertising also showed rapid development trend in recent years.
    The purpose of this paper is to use Flash to make the function demonstration of Nikon D4S. Through the investigation and analysis of the function illustration of the products on the market function and consumer views on this project, we can see problems about the use effect, user experience and some other aspects. Analysis of the consumer demand for product demonstrations, pointing at its requirements of easy understanding and simple operation, the paper raised the design scheme of the function demonstration of Nikon D4S. In the process of the design, Flash and Photoshop are mainly used to make the issue of the animation. The design uses a simple operation interface and methods to enable the users to understand and experience the characteristics and the new function of Nikon D4S.Using the color scheme which is rich in the sense of science and technology to express theme and using reasonable button design to show good interactive features.
    Keywords:    Nikon D4S; function demonstration; Flash; Graphic User Interface
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题介绍    1
    1.1.1    课题研究的目的和意义    1
    1.1.2    课题的内容、重点、难点    2
    1.2    课题调研情况    4
    1.2.1    调研方法    4
    1.2.2    调研情况    4
    1.3    国内外研究情况    5
    1.4    发展趋势    6
    1.5    开发工具的选择    7
    2    分析    8
    2.1    尼康D4S产品调查与分析    8
    2.1.1    产品定位分析    8
    2.1.2    产品功能特点分析    8
    2.2    FLASH软件使用情况分析    9
    2.2.1    消费者性别分析    10
    2.2.2    消费者获取商品信息的媒体渠道情况分析    10
    2.2.3    Flash软件的优势    11
    2.3    需求分析    11
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