    目前,使用计算机对大学毕业生的就业信息进行管理比传统的人工管理有着很大的优势,比如:简单易懂、操作快捷、操作大众化等。大学毕业生就业管理信息系统的设计主要依据软件开发原则,结合在学校学过的面向对象的知识,并且在前辈们工作经验的基础上,自己开发系统。此系统以MyEclipse作为前台开发工具和SQL Server2005这款数据库做的后台数据设计,把整个系统用简洁明了的界面展现出来,使用户操作起来方便快捷。本系统主要的工作是解决当代大学毕业生就业信息难于管理。系统主要主要实现了学生管理、企业管理、教师管理、就业政策公告管理、统计管理以及修改登录密码和个人信息等功能模块。
    毕业论文关键词: 管理信息系统;JSP;毕业生就业
     University graduates employment management information system design and implementation
    Abstract:  Every year in our country has millions of college graduates, their employment problem is the school, parents and social management issues of concern, and college graduates employment management information system can, to a certain extent, alleviate the pressure of this. And the university graduates employment management information system should be able to provide valuableinformation and convenient means for users to query. The traditional means of recruitmentleaflets on employment, there are a lot of drawbacks.
    At present, the use of computer for university graduates employment information management than the traditional manual management has a great advantage. For example: to find convenient, fast operation, large storage capacity, good confidentiality, low cost. The design of universitygraduates employment management information system mainly based on software development principles, combined with object oriented knowledge learned in school, and based on the predecessors experience, develop their own system. This system is designedwith MyEclipse as a development tool and SQL Server2005 this database as a background database, the whole system is simple the interface display, the user is convenient to operate. The main work of this system is to solve the employment of university graduates tocontemporary information management. The system mainly includes four roles, students,teachers, administrators of enterprises, the main achievement of the student management,enterprise management, teacher management, employment policy notice management,statistics management and modify the login password and personal information module.
    Keywords:  management information system; JSP; The employment of graduates
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1. 2 研究课题的动态    1
    1.3 研究课题的内容、意义    1
    1.3.1 研究课题的内容    1
    1.3.2 研究课题的意义    1
    1.4 论文基本组织结构    2
    1.5 本章小结    2
    第2章  系统介绍    3
    2.1 系统概述    3
    2.2系统基本作用    3
    2.3 开发目的    3
    2.4 项目开发计划    4
    2.5 本章小结    4
    第3章  系统分析    5
    3.1 系统的特点与总体规划    5
    3.1.1 系统的特点    5
    3.1.2 系统的总体规划    5
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