    摘要:  快捷酒店管理系统是基于B/S模式开发的系统,利用SQL Server2005作为数据库,JSP和SQL模式设计出来的网上电子信息平台。如今经济飞速发展,人们的生活水平提高,对生活质量的追求也提高了,外出旅行成为一种潮流,而外出必须要入住酒店。所以。本人开发的这套系统是为了给人们提供方便,快捷的方式预订到自己想要入住的酒店,在原有的酒店预订系统上,开发更加简洁,快速反馈消息的一种优化系统。39686
    这个系统可以提供方便简单的入住方式,顾客只要注册账号,在酒店首页就可以选取并预订自己想要的房间。在网站的首页有客房信息,顾客点击进去就可与查看客房信息。同时,系统首页也有酒店风采,新闻消息等模块,顾客可以在闲暇之余浏览酒店相关信息的同时,浏览新闻消息,了解现在发生的新闻信息。用户方面,用户可以通过注册账户,账户名称,密码,同时可以上传自己个性头像,为了安全起见,防止客户丢失账号密码,本系统还设计了用户的密码找回功能。运用SQL Server和MyEclipse设计这个系统。
    毕业论文关键词:酒店预订;JSP;SQL SERVER 2005 
     Design and Implementation of Management Systems Inns
    Abstract: hain hotel management system is based on B / S mode system developed using SQL Server2005 designed as a database, JSP and SQL mode online electronic information platform. Today, rapid economic development, people's living standards improve, the pursuit of quality of life improves, travel has become a trend, but must stay out of the hotel. And so. I developed this system is to provide people with convenient and quick way to book the hotel you want to stay in the original hotel reservation system, develop more compact, fast feedback messages of an optimized system.
    This system provides easy and convenient way to check the customer as long as the registered account at the hotel Home you can select and book the room you want. In the site's home page has a guest room information, customers can click into the room information. Meanwhile, the system also has a hotel style home, the News module, customers can view information about the hotel in her spare time while browsing news for news about news happening now. User, users can register the account, the account name, password, and can upload their own personalized avatar, for safety reasons, to prevent the loss of customers account password, we also designed the user's password recover function. MyEclipse using SQL Server and the design of this system.
    Keywords:  Hotel Reservation; JSP ; SQL SERVER 2005.
     目  录
    第1章  绪论    3
    1.1 研究的背景与意义    3
    1.2 研究内容    3
    1.3 系统开发环境    4
    1.4本文结构    6
    第2章  系统分析    7
    2.1 可行性分析    7
    2.1.1 经济可行性    7
    2.1.2 技术可行性    7
    2.1.3操作可行性    7
    2.1.4 法律可行性    7
    2.2 需求分析    7
    2.2.1 业务流分析    8
    2.2.1 数据流分析    9
    第3章  系统设计    10
    3.1 数据库设计    10
    3.1.1概念模型设计    10
    3.1.2逻辑模型设计    12
    3.1 系统功能模块设计    16
    第4章  系统实现    18
    4.1 前台网站    18
    4.1.1    前台首页    18
    4.1.2    站内新闻    19
    4.1.3    用户注册    20
    4.1.4    客房预订    22
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