     Design and Implementation of Bookstore Invoicing System
    Abstract: To deal with the existing imperfect problem about sales, procurement information, management information of modern bookstore management, and to make the bookstore operators rationally allocate human and material resources, financial resources, reduce labor cost, hereby develop this system to achieve bookstore management modernization, the management convenience, and the scientific operation, the maximum to reduce the personnel management work, providing more comprehensive services. According to the problems existed in the bookstore, the use of Java, HTML, CSS in the MyEclipse development platform of the system function mainly includes the following aspects: the book storage and warehousing operations, the main module of the system to query inventory at any time; realize such operations as add, modify, and query book sales records, and make the realization of interactive with inventory friendly. In this system, the purchase management subsystem generates requisition, and then submitted to the approval by the boss, the boss' approval of orders can be created and then operated by the warehouse manager of warehousing. It can be seen from the demand information from sales, inventory in real time, no longer need to manually input the purchase order, as long as the purchasing administrator to submit specific information of purchasing books we can quickly generate purchase orders, after approval by the boss people can generate orders and warehousing operations; warehouse administrator library storage operation, the system can timely update the inventory, the change of sales, boss can query inventory at any time; at the same time accounting accurately calculate payables and receivables, the cost of account payable and the total ledger, through positive and negative accounts we can see profit or loss of the bookstore, no longer need to manually fill in the certificate of financial personnel records the account of the situation. Boss can log into the system, approve of purchase orders, manage the users’ information, query inventory and purchase records, sales records, accounts at any time.
    Keywords: invoicing system; Java; MyEclipse; CSS; HTML

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