    本系统采用ASP.NET技术,采用C#语言结合SQL Server数据库设计开发了一个公司销售信息管理系统,系统具有开放性,操作便捷,文护方便,易移植的特点,不需要改变现有的网络和操作系统平台环境,即可实现功能。系统实现了网络化、集成化和智能化的统一,具有良好的应用前景。系统主要实现了人员管理、商品管理、销售管理、销售查询、销售统计、系统管理等功能。经过对上述测试结果分析,本系统符合管理要求和用户需求。所有基本功能点实现,操作简单,操作流程符合业务需求,产品运行性能良好,是一款值得推广的大众化软件。41157
    毕业论文关键词:公司销售信息管理系统;.NET;SQL Server;C#
     Design of Small and Micro Enterprise Information Management System
    Because way manually manage these complex data no longer meet the trend of the times, data normalization, automated computer management, is a necessary requirement for standardized management, and efficient operation of the business units. The system is designed for this.
    The system uses ASP.NET technology, using C # language binding SQL Server database design and development of a company's sales information management system, the system is open, easy to operate, easy to maintain, easy to transplant characteristics, without changing the existing network and operating system platform environment, you can achieve the function. It carries out, integrated and unified intelligent, has a good prospect. System is mainly to achieve the personnel management, merchandise management, sales management, sales inquiries, sales statistics, and system management functions. After the above test results analysis, the system meets the regulatory requirements and user needs. All the basic functions point implement, easy to operate, the operation flow in line with business needs, a good product performance, is a worthy popularity software.
    Keywords: Sales information management system; .NET; SQL Server; C #
    摘要:    1
    Abstract:    2
    目录    1
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 课题研究现状    1
    1.3 初步设计方法与实施方案    2
    2 系统开发环境介绍    3
    2.1 ASP.NET 简介    3
    2.2 .NET Framework    3
    2.3 C#介绍    4
    2.4 C/S模式简介    5
    2.5 SQL Server数据库简介    6
    3 系统分析    8
    3.1 可行性分析    8
    3.2 系统设计规则与运行环境    8
    3.3 系统需求分析    9
    3.3.1医药信息管理需求分析    10
    3.4 性能需求分析    10
    4系统设计    12
    4.1 系统的网络拓扑结构    12
    4.2 系统架构设计    12
    4.3 系统架构类图    13
    4.4 系统交互图    14
    4.4.1系统架构类交互图    14
    4.4.2 系统协作图    16
    4.4.3系统状态图    17
    4.5 系统功能模块设计    17
    4.6 系统的数据库设计    18
    4.6.1 数据库的选定    18
    4.6.2 安全性设置    19
    4.6.3 数据库概念模型设计    19
    4.6.4 数据库逻辑设计    20
    5 系统的实现    22
    5.1 系统实现技术路线    22
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