    摘要电子技术是上世纪末开始发展起来的的新兴技术,1958 年集成电路的第一个样品见诸于世[1]。电子技术发展到了一个新的阶段就是由于集成电路的出现和应用。进入近现代社会,人们面临的是以微电子技术电子计算机和因特网为标志的信息社会。社会生产力和经济的蓬勃发展得益于高科技的广泛应用。现代电子技术在国防、科技、工业、生活、通讯及文化教育等各个领域都起着巨大的作用。45022
    数据选择器是一种中规模集成器件, 广泛地使用在各种各样的数字集成电路中,利用数据选择器设计的组合逻辑电路真的很有利用价值, 通过提高电路的设计水平能解决常规门电路设计中存在的问题[2]。数据选择器是一种具有多种用途的逻辑部件,除了可以实现一些组合逻辑设计外,还可用实现多通道传输电路、生成序列码以及比较器等。
    Electronic technology is a new technology developed in the last century began, 1958 the first samples of integrated circuits found in the world. Electronic technologies have reached a new stage of development was due to the emergence of integrated circuits and applications. Into modern society, people are facing information society, marked by micro-electronics to computers and the Internet. Social productive forces and economic boom thanks to the extensive application of high technology. Modern electronic technology, communications, science, technology and industry for national defense, and life and culture and other fields have played a huge role.
    IC merely half a century, became ubiquitous, the modern social structure has been inseparable from the computer, mobile phone and other digital appliances. This is because the circuit is a modern computing, communication, manufacturing and transport systems, including the Internet, are indispensable things. IC brings the digital revolution will bring great changes to human society has become the consensus of many scholars.
    Data Selector is a medium-scale integration devices, is widely used in digital integrated circuits, combinational logic circuit design using data selector is useful, by improving the level of circuit design can solve the problems in conventional circuit design. Data Selector is a multiple-use logic, in addition to being able to implement some Combinatorial logic design, also available for multi-channel transmission circuits, generate a sequence of code, such as comparators.
    Based on eight selected data selector 74LS151 principles and functions to explore its features, better research and make use of it, just study it fully, to invent something more beneficial to social development and progress.
    [Key Words]:Electronic technology;Integrated circuits;Data Selector;74LS151
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1.基本逻辑函数    1
    1.1逻辑函数中的三种基本运算    1
    1.1.1与运算    2
    1.1.2或运算    3
    1.1.3非运算    4
    1.2逻辑代数的运算定律    5
    2.组合逻辑电路概述    5
    2.1组合逻辑电路的定义    5
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