

    Abstract: The development of the Internet to promote the emergence of cloud computing technology. Cloud computing as the main core technology, network technology platform for electronic commerce provides safe storage environment, provides the powerful computation ability convenient convenient Internet service. China is now in the rapid development of Internet e-commerce era, cloud computing has many advantages, for the development of e-commerce has brought new opportunities. In this paper, based on the concept of cloud computing, the principle characteristic and the technical architecture such as theory analysis, summed up the advantages of cloud computing is introduced into the electronic commerce mode, discusses how to use the advantages of cloud computing to solve traditional encounters the bottleneck of e-commerce development, put forward effective solution based on e-commerce, e-commerce enterprises % E 

    毕业论文关键词: 电子商务 云计算  SWOT分析 解决方案

     Keyword: e-commerce  Cloud computing SWOT analysis  The solution 

     一、绪论 4

    1.1 研究背景和意义 4

    1.2研究方法 4

    1.3研究内容 5

    1.4本文创新点 5

    二、电子商务与云计算的相关理论综述 6

    2.1电子商务的相关理论基础 6

    2.1.1电子商务的概念 6

    2.1.2电子商务的特点 6

    2.1.3电子商务的三种主要模式 7

    2.2云计算的相关理论基础 7

    2.2.1云计算的概念 7

    2.2.2云计算的特征 8

    2.2.3云计算的原理 8

    2.2.4云计算的体系架构 8

    三、云计算在电子商务中的应用前景分析 10

    3.1电子商务行业现状分析 10

    3.1.1电子商务行业概况 10

    3.1.2电子商务行业发展瓶颈 10

    3.2电子商务行业应用云计算的SWOT分析 11

    3.2.1优势分析 11

    3.2.2劣势分析 12

    3.2.3机会分析 12

    3.2.4威胁分析 12

    3.3电子商务行业运用云计算的必要性和可行性 13

    四、云计算在电子商务中的发展建议 14

    4.1建立基于云计算的电子商务模式 14

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