
    摘要物料需求计划可以帮助企业建立起一套完整的信息管理机制来完成生产计划的制定,这对于面向订单生产的单件小批量特点的中小型企业来说,有着十分重要的意义。本文对物料需求计划模块各个功能进行了研究,并在此基础上运用Visual Basic 6.0与Access软件完成了物料需求计划模块功能的实现。69365




    Title  the designation of the material requirments planning on ERP software


    It is significant to do researches in key quesfion of  MRP in the enterprise which face the single batch production orders,if the enterprises want to establish all effective system to materials management and produce planning.It will meet the delivered requirement of customers.The each function of the material requirments planning model is studied in this paper.On this basic,the material requirments planning model is realized by using the Visual basic 6.0 and Access. 

      First,the basic manufacturing data model is studied.By reseaching the BOM,order and repertory,the forms of them are designed and the way to storage is found out.Then,on the basic of reseaching the theory of the MPS,the method to produce the MPS is designed.Finally,the theory is analyzed and it help come out the way to produce the MRP.It can correctly run out the amount and production plan of the product.And it can be checked in the model.On the basic of analyzing the requirments and functions of the MRP model,the relationship of every function is found out.It is finally realized.

    Keywords:material management,basic manufacturing data,MPS,MRP


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 ERP简介 1

    1.2 课题研究的背景以及意义 1

    1.3 物料需求系统发展概况 2

    1.4 本课题的研究目的和内容 3

    1.5 本课题所用到的软件 4

    2 基础制造数据 5

    2.1 物料清单 5

    2.2 库存 6

    2.3 订单 7

    3 主生产计划 8

    3.1 主生产计划定义 8

    3.2 主生产计划算法研究 8

    4 物料需求计划 10

    4.1 物料需求计划原理分析 10

    4.2 物料需求计划算法研究 10

    5.物料需求计划系统设计实现 13

    5.1 物料需求计划系统功能设计 13

    5.2 物料需求计划系统软件实现 14

    5.3 物料需求计划系统软件调试 19

    6 总结和期望 29

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