    Business information management system is with the business, procurement, inventory management, financial management, business and other related information management system, it covers the most important and the most core part of the business enterprise. Among them, the sales information management system is a typical application of managing information system (MIS), its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and maintenance of and front-end application development two aspects. The establishment and maintenance of the background data is required to establish data consistency and integrated, data security good characteristics such as database, and front-end application development is refers to the application can provide a simple and convenient use, the characteristics of friendly interface and powerful data manipulation functions.
    Based on the household appliances sales information management design sales information management system for example. To replenish onr's stock, inventory and sales of home appliance commodity systematic management. the main function of the system are: system management, the increase of the  user information and modification; Basic information management: goods, supplier and customer information input; Sales, sales operations; Query statistics, query of basic information, sales information statistics; Inventory management, inbound and outbound goods business, commodity purchase business.
    [Key Words]:Sale management system;MVC architecture;Java;Sqlserver2008
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1、绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 主要研究工作    1
    2. 开发工具简介    2
    2.1 Eclipse简介    2
    2.2 SQLserver2008简介    2
    3. 需求分析    3
    3.1 系统业务流程分析    3
    3.2 功能模块分析    4
    3.3 系统开发分析    10
    4.系统设计    12
    4.1  系统功能图    12
    4.2 数据库设计    12
    5.系统功能实现    19
    5.1 系统开发简介    19
    5.2 操作界面实现    19
    5.3 系统功能实现    21
    5.4 程序目录结构    29
    6.项目总结    32
    参考文献    33
    致    谢    34
    1. 绪论
    1.1 研究背景及意义
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