    本系统应用JSP动态页面技术和MyEclipse开发平台,使用MySQL作为系统后台数据库、tomcat 7.08作为web服务器,并借助Dreamweaver和Photoshop工具来实现一个小型的网上蛋糕预订管理系统
    In recent years, China's way of life gradually westernized, so western dessert slowly occupied most of China's market. The cake has been developing rapidly in China, especially the Fancy, kinds and shapes of western-style cakes are the most popular with young people. The 21st century, the rise of the Internet, enable people to enter the information age. Based on the way of the Internet, online shopping is easier to meet the needs of the consumers.
    At present, the cake’s sales and booking haven't been really networked, cake online-sales system’s design and development,not only can provide users with all-weather and faster service and sufficient information and convenient means of query,but also effectively improve the convenience of the cake sales and reservation.  Using the system, customers can buy their favorite cakes without leaving home , which greatly saves their time.
    The construction of this system is on the premise of having a physical store. The system is using JSP dynamic page technology and MyEclipse development platform,  MySQL as the backstage database, tomcat 7.08 system as a web server, and with the aid of Dreamweaver and Photoshop tools to implement a small cake online-reservation management system.
    The function modules of this system mainly include: user registration and login, browsing cakes’ information, ready-made cake booking, personality self-help collocation, DIY booking, adding to cart, payment and settlement, view or modify the order; administrator login, manage cakes’s information, processing orders, update store announcements and other function modules.
    [key words] : cake booking; Information management system; JSP
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 国内外市场研究状况及发展趋势    1
    1.2.1 国内外蛋糕市场研究状况    1
    1.2.2 蛋糕发展趋势    2
    1.3 本文研究路线    3
    1.4 研究目的和意义    3
    2. 系统概述    3
    2.1 系统开发的必要性    3
    2.2 相关技术    3
    2.2.1 JSP技术介绍    3
    2.2.2 MySQL数据库介绍    4
    2.2.3 MyEclipse开发平台介绍    4
    3. 系统分析    4
    3.1 可行性分析    4
    3.1.1 环境需求可行性    4
    3.1.2 经济可行性    5
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