    本系统是一个基于J2EE技术的高考志愿填报辅助系统。它提供了简单、便捷的高考信息服务,通过发出各种检索命令,给出按位次、按院校、按专业等往年录取情况,主要包含用户登录注册模块、往年信息查询、志愿填报辅助以及管理员后台管理等四大模块。它采用了面向对象的JAVA编程开发工具,通过访问远程服务器的MySQL Server高考数据库,建立了浏览器/服务器(B/S)体系的关系型数据库查询系统,应用了JSP技术。通过系统测试表明,本系统能给考生用户一定的帮助,具有节约时间成本、提高考生填报效率、减少志愿填报差错等特点。在实际应用中是可行的。
    In today's era, for facing the university entrance exam examinee college entrance examination to college system is crucial. The national college entrance examination system can provide the examinee to the university information, professional information, University last year enrollment features such as query, the lifting of the embarrassment of examinee and parent to have a superficial knowledge of the voluntary reporting information, compared with the previous paper-based information more, more do not make mistakes; but also for the examinee volunteer reference test, to provide the reference for the selection of colleges and universities and candidates comparison professional suitable for themselves.
    This system is a college entrance examination to college assistant system based on J2EE technology. It provides a simple and convenient information service of the university entrance exam, command, by issuing a variety of retrieval are given according to the seating arrangement, according to colleges and universities, according to professional and other normal admission, mainly include user login registration information query module, normal, volunteer fill in auxiliary and administrator backstage management and so on four big modules. It adopts the object-oriented development tools, JAVA programming through access to remote Server MySQL database Server the university entrance exam, set up the browser/Server (B/S) system of relational database query system, the application of JSP technology. Through the system test shows that the system can give the examinee must help, is to save time cost, improve the efficiency of the examinee fill, reducing volunteer fill in error, etc. Is feasible in practical application.[Key words]: College Entrance Examination; Volunteer auxiliary; JSP; MySQL
     目    录
    摘要 .1
    Abstract .2
    1. 绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 研究背景    - 1 -
    1.2 国内研究概况    - 1 -
    1.3 研究目的与意义    - 3 -
    2 开发技术综述    - 4 -
    2.1 JSP动态网页编程技术    - 4 -
    2.2 MyEclipse集成开发IDE    - 4 -
    2.3 MySQL数据库    - 5 -
    2.4 Tomcat服务器    - 5 -
    3 需求与可行性分析    - 7 -
    3.1可行性分析    - 7 -
    3.2系统功能分析    - 7 -
    3.3性能需求分析    - 9 -
    3.4 系统业务流程分析    - 10 -
    3.5数据流程分析    - 10 -
    3.6数据库需求分析    - 11 -
  1. 上一篇:jsp+sqlserver旅游分享网站的设计
  2. 下一篇:jsp+mysql蛋糕预订管理系统的设计
  1. jsp+mysql学生选课信息系统设计与实现

  2. jsp+mysql电影推荐系统的设计与实现

  3. jsp+mysql学生实践创新项目管理系统设计与实现

  4. jsp+mysql停车场车辆管理系统的设计与实现

  5. jsp+mysql运动会管理系统设计与实现

  6. jsp+mysql制衣网站的设计与实现

  7. jsp+mysql知识产权代理服务系统的设计与实现

  8. 电站锅炉暖风器设计任务书

  9. 杂拟谷盗体内共生菌沃尔...

  10. 河岸冲刷和泥沙淤积的监测国内外研究现状

  11. java+mysql车辆管理系统的设计+源代码

  12. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  13. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究

  14. 酸性水汽提装置总汽提塔设计+CAD图纸

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  17. 十二层带中心支撑钢结构...




