


    The design and application of basic computer application

    Abstract:With the rapid popularization of microcomputer, the wide application of network technology, education also receives more and more attention, by the traditional education mode of initial gradually evolved into a persified, informationization, technology of comprehensive education. Computer, Internet, mobile terminal equipment has penetrated into all fields, the social demand for talent is higher and higher, more and more forms of learning. Strengthen the cultivation of talents of new China's it is necessary to popularize the knowledge of computer education, computer application basis is important basic knowledge of the information society, is geared to the needs of modernization, facing the world, facing the future builders of the society must master the knowledge.

    Key Words:Micro Curriculum;Computer application basis;teaching

    目    录

    摘  要 - 1 -

    引言 - 1 -

    1.微课程的特点及其理论依据 - 2 -

    1.1微课程的特点 - 2 -

    1.1.1教学时间较短 - 2 -

    1.1.2教学内容较少 - 2 -

    1.1.3资源容量较小 - 2 -

    1.1.4资源组成/结构/构成“情景化” - 3 -

    1.2微课程的理论依据 - 3 -

    1.2.1基于问题的教学模式 - 3 -

    1.2.2基于案例的教学模式 - 3 -

    1.2.3基于情景学习的教学模式 - 4 -

    1.2.4基于协作学习的教学模式 - 4 -

    2.计算机应用基础课程的特点 - 4 -

    3.计算机应用基础微课程的设计 - 5 -

    3.1确定教学目标 - 5 -

    3.2完成教学任务 - 5 -

    3.2.1操作准确性 - 5 -

    3.2.2利用合理的教学资源 - 6 -

    3.2.3创设和谐的教学情境 - 6 -

    3.2.4联系实际情况解决问题 - 6 -

    4.计算机应用基础微课程的效果分析 - 7 -

    4.1计算机应用基础微课程现状分析 - 7 -

    5.计算机应用基础微课程的实现 - 8 -

    5.1精心备课 - 8 -

    5.2组织好课堂教学 - 8 -

    5.3及时做好总结和讲评 - 8 -

    6.总结和展望 - 9 -

    参考文献 - 9 -

    致谢 - 10 -


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