
    摘要:随着网络的发展,计算机技术应用于高校的各个教学领域。为了方便对毕业设计选题信息进行管理,采用ASP.NET作为开发平台,结合SQL Server 2012数据库,使用面向对象技术设计并实现了毕业设计选题系统。系统主要功能包括登录模块、公告管理模块、学生和教师信息导入模块、上传论文题目模块、审核论文题目模块、学生选题模块、教师确认选题模块和查看选题结果模块。毕业设计选题系统的建立,实现了对毕业生选题信息的有效管理,方便教师和学生双向选题,提高工作效率。46906

    毕业论文关键词:毕业设计选题系统;ASP.NET;SQL Server

    The Graduation Design in Colleges and Universities Based on B/S Mode Topic Selection Design and Implementation

    Abstract: With the development of the society, the computer technology applied in every teaching of colleges and universities. In order to facilitate the management of graduation design topic information, using ASP.NET as the development platform, combined with SQL Server 2012 database, using the object-oriented technology, the graduation design topic selection system was designed and implemented. Main functions of the system includes the login module, the announcement management module, the student and teacher’s information import module, the thesis upload module, the thesis review module, the student topic selection module, the teacher confirm topic selection module and view the results of selected topic module. The establishment of the graduation design topic selection system, realize the effective management of graduates topic information, convenient for teachers and students to work in different places, complete the two-way choice, improve the work efficiency.

    Key Words: Graduation Design Topic Selection System; ASP.NET; SQL Server

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 1

    1.系统开发的背景与意义 2

    1.1课题研究的背景、意义 2

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.3主要工作 3

    2.关键技术介绍 3

    2.1 ASP.NET技术 3

    2.2 SQL Server 3

    3.系统分析与设计 4

    3.1需求分析 4

    3.2功能模块设计 4

    3.3数据库设计 5

    4.网站模块具体实现 7

    4.1用户管理模块 7

    4.2论文题目管理模块 8

    4.3公告管理模块 12

    5.总结 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14




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