

    高校教师公寓选房系统采用VB和SQL Server 2000作为开发工具。本系统的主要功能有:管理员对公寓信息的管理和根据教师身份对预定信息审核;教师选择所需要的户型后,系统会根据教师的职称和工作年限筛选出优先权高的预定教师,然后将预定信息返回给教师;学校人事可以查询公寓和教师的预定情况,以便总结人事信息。


    关键词:选房系统  高校教师  预定审核  VB  SQL Server 2000

    Designing and Implementation of College Teachers Apartment Housing System


    Today, more and more college teachers choose teacher apartment in the school. Buyers need to go to the sales office to understanding of housing information provided by sales staff in the traditional housing process. The reservation process is transparent to guarantee the fairness. And the high effective teachers have a wide variety courses and issues so that’s not convenient to the spot to understand the situation in the time and the distance, 

    College teachers apartment Housing System uses VB and SQL Server 2000 as development tool. The major function of the site include: administrators will manage the apartment information and examine the scheduled information based on the identity of the teachers; the system will be based on the teacher’s title and work experience to screen a high priority of the teacher, and then will be scheduled to return to the teacher information after the teachers choosing the required units; the school persons can check the reservation of apartment and teachers, so as to sum up the personal information. These functions make the site more convenient and easy to operate and make it have strong interactivity.

        College teachers apartment Housing System provides a convenient platform for college teachers according to their professional characteristics, which can helps teachers to save time and select house rapidly, which also guarantees the fairness of the election process.

    Key Words: housing system  college teachers  scheduled audit  Visual Basic SQL Server 2000

    目  录

    摘要 I


    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    1 绪论 1

    1.1设系统开发背景 1

    1.2设计目的和意义 1

    1.3 系统特色 2

    2 开发工具及环境简介 3

    2.1 VB简介 3

    2.2 SQL SERVER 2000简介 3

    2.3 本章小结 4

    3 系统分析 5

    3.1系统可行性分析 5

    3.2系统功能结构图 6

    3.3数据库设计 6

    3.4 本章小结 13

    4 系统实现

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