

    文章粗略地介绍了杭州市交叉路口交通安全的现状,分析了道路可能面临的一些安全威胁,并提出了合理的改进措施。另外,文章还结合具体实例, 主要以下沙某一个交叉口即G2501杭州绕城高速下沙收费站出口处的交叉口为例,分析拥堵原因,并基于VISSIM软件仿真下提出合理的交叉口交通流的优化方案。

    The scholars Adams said that an increase in the area of road will temporarily ease traffic congestion, but precisely because of road traffic becomes smooth, and instead will lead to more vehicles. Over time, the new area is widening the road or the road will be restored to its original level of congestion,it seems to optimize traffic caught in a cycle of dead-end. However, after all urban roads area is limited, growth path will also be limited,the traffic load growth is endless, and therefore optimize the traffic becomes a major issue facing the future of urban transportation.

    Roughly article describes the status of Hangzhou intersection traffic safety, then analyzed some possible security threats facing the road and made a reasonable improvement measures. In addition, the article also with specific examples, that is one of the following main intersection intersection G2501 Xiasha Hangzhou beltway toll station at the exit of the sand, analyze the reasons for the congestion and optimization based on a reasonable intersection traffic flow simulation software VISSIM under.

    毕业论文关键词:交叉口;交通优化; VISSIM 

    Keyword: Intersection; traffic optimization; VISSIM

    目   录

    1 引言 4

    1.1研究背景及意义 4

    2  vissim的简述 5

    3杭州市交通拥挤现状及举措 6

    3.1交通现状 6

    3.1.1建成区人口、面积和道路长度现状 6

    3.1.2主要的城区交叉口的交通现状 6

    3.2缓解举措及分析 7

    3.3 国外对于交通优化的相关措施 8

    4.城市交叉口安全分析 9

    4.1交叉口安全威胁 9

    4.2 交叉口道路规划安全威胁 9

    5城市交叉口的交通优化改进措施 10

    6 交通优化实例 11

    6.1下沙某一交叉口交通现状 11

    6.2  vissim 仿真提出改进方案 12

    6.2.1  vissim仿真环岛 12

    6.2.2  vissim仿真提前右转弯 14

    7 结语 17

    参考文献 18

    致谢 18

    1 引言



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