



    关键词  单交叉口  韦伯斯特配时法  交通控制  车辆延误  损失时间


    Title  Semi physical simulation of urban traffic signal network and large data information acquisition                    


    Traffic is an important link between cities.However,the traffic problem is one of the important elements which restricts the development of the cities. In this paper,the simulation experiments about the urban single intersection is carried out which represents a scene of the road intersection of vehicle traffic,and the intelligent control about traffic light signal is done.

    This paper takes the city intersection control as the research object selecting Nanjing Sheng Zhou Lu Crane Street intersection as a simulation object which displays a simulation model of the intersection of four entrances and 11 phases. The simulation control experiments of the single intersection is carried out through the analysis and understanding of the algorithm, combined with the system design. 

    Simulation system is designed with C++ programming language consists of the vehicle access module and the traffic light control module.Realize intersection traffic control through the data of vehicles obtained from the system ,and simulate vehicles counterparts in Crane Road street in a certain period of time.The result of the simulation experiments using the Webster timing method is influenced by the traffic volume and vehicle delay loss of time easily.The paper optimizes the Webster timing method through appropriate methods.

    Keywords  single intersection ;Webster timing method;

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  背景 1

    1.2  国内外情况 1

    1.3  论文内容 2

    1.4  论文结构 2

    2.1  交叉口定义 4

    2.2  常用参数 5

    2.3  韦伯斯特配时法 6

    2.4  交叉口仿真设计 9

    2.5本章小结 13

    3.1实验目的 15

    3.2  编译环境 15

    3.3  系统设计 15

    3.4  数据库 16

    3.5  仿真结果 17

    致  谢 20


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