
    摘要:如今,企业之间的竞争越发激烈,更多的企业开始注重对客户的体验,着重于收集客户的相关信息,聆听并响应客户的意见与建议。家居企业通过对客户的不断加深理解以及对客户服务的不断改善,提高其竞争力。本论文论述一种适合于家居企业的基于数据库技术,B/S方式操作的账款管理系统的设计与开发,其他类似系统无缝融合,方便日常事务管理。该系统采用ASP.NET作为前端的开发工具,后台数据库系统。家居账款管理系统用的是SQL Server 2008,详细的功能为收账务管理、员工工资管理、日常开销管理等功能,能够准确、完整地提供实时的数据,为管理者的决策提供有利的依据的一种软件。47474


    The design and implementation of the accounts receivable management system for the Home Furnishing

    Abstract:In the increasingly fierce competition today, more and more domestic enterprises begin to customer focus and attention to collect customer information, listen and timely response to customer's requirements and expectations. This paper discusses a suitable home business based on database technology, B / S mode of operation of the accounts receivable management system design and development, other similar system seamless integration, convenient management of day-to-day affairs. The system uses ASP.NET as a development tool, SQL Server 2008 as the database management system.Accounts receivable management system to achieve the effective management of customer information, main functions include: to add customer information, customer information management, query customer information, order management, report management, task management, salary information management, user information management function module.

     Key words: Accounts receivable management, customer management, database, asp.net, B/S architecture

    目   录

    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景目的和意义 1

    1.2 课题目的 1

    1.3 研究现状 2

    2 相关技术介绍 3

    2.1 ASP.NET框架 3

    2.2 B/S框架 4

    2.3 数据库技术 4

    2.4 互联网信息服务 5

    3 系统总体设计 6

    3.1 可行性分析 6

    3.2 需求分析 7

    3.2.1 基本信息模块 7

    3.2.2 财务管理模块 7

    3.2.3 销售模块 7

    3.2.4 个人信息模块 7

    3.2.5 客户模块 7

    3.3 系统用例 8

    4 系统总体设计 9

    4.1 系统功能模块结构 9

    4.2 数据库详细设计 10

    4.2.1 数据库逻辑设计 10

    4.2.2 数据库结构 12

    5 系统详细设计 16

    5.1 登录模块详细设计 16

    5.2 客户信息管理模块 18

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