

     Teaching management is the basic procedure of teaching work in colleges and universities, educational administration routine work, is the basic guarantee of improving teaching quality in colleges and universities, the website is for students' academic management and teaching management, the carrier of the teaching task arrangement, implements network management for teaching management and an important content of the management by sunshine. Website design in this paper, according to the college teaching management method and the integration of high-quality goods curriculum plan as an example, the history and significance of the website construction of teaching management and implementation scheme is discussed in detail, and combined with the present teachers and students to use all kinds of websites use habits in the process of the construction of the required modules in detail description analysis, forecast the direction of future teaching management web site, make the combination of convenience and effectiveness, show deep the convenience of network teaching management.

     毕业论文关键词:教学管理; 网络; 模块;登陆;管理端口;课程汇总

    Keyword: Teaching management;network;The module;landing;Management of port;Course summary

    目    录

    1 引言 4

    1.1 学院教学管理网站的设计与建设背景 4

    1.2目前学院教学管理网站存在的问题 5

    1.3教学管理网站建设的意义 6

    2网站设计 7

    2.1设计思想 7

    2.2导航栏设定 7

    2.3登陆方式 8

    3.端口分类 8

    3.1游客模块 8

    3.2师生端口 10

    3.2.1教师模块 10

    3.2.2学生模块 11

    3.3后台模块 12

    5结束语 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1 引言

    1.1 学院教学管理网站的设计与建设背景


    20世纪60年代末,管理信息系统(Management Information System)起源于美国[2]。近几十年来,计算机和网络的普及给教学的管理带来了一场革新。国内外许多人都对管理信息系统在教学管理中的应用进行了研究,并取得了一定的成果,但同时也还存在许多缺陷有待完善。

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