
    摘要: 本课题实现了政府部门对车载气瓶安全监控系统,其为政府部门有效的控制本城市的车载气瓶动态流向提供了一个便捷的平台。根据对不同使用角色的需求分析,对角色的使用权限以及实际需求进行了划分;监管人员可以进入系统对车载气瓶相关信息进行查询,如该气瓶发证时间、下次验证时间、充装数量和所属司机车牌号等一些列信息;用户和企业可以上传相关资料让相关政府进行检验,以达到能够发车载气瓶目的,同时也可以查看审查相关进度等操作。网站使用当前流行的ASP.net技术、C#语言、js,搭配SQL Server2008的数据库技术来实现。网站开发期间遇到了不少的困难,通过不停的调试修改与老师的帮助,最终完成将车用气瓶使用登记证和车载气瓶电子标识将各环节的业务信息有机的结合在一起形成一条完整的监管闭环,从而实现车载气瓶的全过程、全生命周期的智能化管理,从而达到车载气瓶质量信息追溯、运维动态管理与实时追踪、事故应急救援的目的。48294

    毕业论文关键词: 车载气瓶;审查进度;数据;信息追溯

    Design and implementation of vehicle gas cylinder safety management system based on.Net Technology

    Abstract: This topic has realized the government department to the vehicle gas cylinder safety monitoring system, which provides a convenient platform for the effective control of the city's vehicle gas cylinder dynamic flow. According to the use of different roles demand analysis, pides the permissions of role, and the actual requirements; supervision personnel can enter the system to query information related to the vehicle cylinders, such as the cylinder issuing licenses time, next time of test and verify, filling quantity and driver car brands such as a series of information; enterprise users and can upload information to the relevant government inspection, to start loading cylinders to, and also can view review the progress of the operation. Web site using the current popular ASP.net technology, C# language, JS, with Server2008 SQL database technology to achieve. During the development of a site encountered many difficulties, through stop debugging and modification with the teacher's help, the final completion of the vehicle cylinders using the registration certificate and vehicle cylinders electronic identification will be the link of business information of organic combined together to form a complete closed loop regulation, so as to realize the intelligent management of vehicle cylinders of the whole process, full life cycle, so as to achieve the quality information of vehicle gas cylinder back, operation and maintenance dynamic management and real-time tracking, accident emergency rescue of the objective.

    Keywords: Vehicle cylinder; review progress; data; information tracing


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及目的 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

    1.3 发展趋势 2

    2 分析 3

    2.1 需求分析 3

    2.1.1 用户需求分析 3

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