

    毕业论文关键词: 艰辛;提升;jQuery;bootstrap;nodejs

    The Design and Implementation of Social Networking Sites

    Abstract: The graduation project, I used a few more powerful framework, such as the jQuery JavaScript framework, Bootstrap CSS framework, as well as the Express nodejs framework. To achieve the design of "friends". In this design, I have realized the function of the original idea one one. In the "friends" were six pages. The first is home, showing the various kinds of information, and colorful special effects. The purpose is to catch the user's eye. The second is a personal home page, it has a message to remind, hot topic view, as well as the collection view function. The third is in the community page, where you can view the different topics of each community, and with the topic of edit, delete function, as well as the administrator has banned function. I also joined the "social network mode" unique in this page. There are more interesting sign in function. The fourth page is the topic page, which shows the response of each topic. The fifth is on the page, the show on this site and I related information, and the last one is the background management page, only global permission is greater than or equal to 8 of the administrator to enter, it can edit all information on this site.

    Keywords: Hardships; promotion; jQuery; bootstrap; nodejs


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 II

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景和由来 1

    1.1.1 课题的背景 1

    1.1.2 调研分析 2

    1.2 表结构 4

    2 技术分析 8

    2.1 JQUERY 8

    2.2 BOOTSTRAP 8

    2.3 NODEJS 8

    2.4 MONGODB 9

    3 设计 10

    3.1 首页设计 10

    3.2 注册页面设计 18

    3.3 个人主页设计 19

    3.4 社区页面设计 27

    3.5 后台管理页面设计 38

    4 结论 40

    4.1 设计感言

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