

    毕业论文关键字: 酒店管理;客房预订;ASP.NET;SQL Server2005

    Design And Implementation of a Small Hotel Reservation System

    Abstract:  The rapid popularization of computer information technology and network, the computer began to assume an important role in information processing, use in hotel management, hotel management convenient, change the mode of operation of the former tedious formalities, for example, from paper and pencil and customer registration information, artificial checkout, and spend a lot of time to sum up the operation phase of profit and loss, the procedure is very numerous and perse, the accommodation or registered customers can rapidly get comprehensive information, comfort and trust degree reduce informationization, and it makes all this traditional procedures become concise, precise and;  the customer can comprehensive and rapid understanding of information, make the customer's letter tolerance and comfort degree increases, data processing at a glance, lest bring unnecessary tedious and details of the deal to bring mistakes; .The system to improve the all-round management of staff accommodation and accommodation problems, dynamic adjustment of the guest room information, for the room to adjust, full range management.

    Keyword :  hotel management;  the ASP.NET;   SQL Server200

    1. 绪 论 3

    1.1 课题背景及发展趋势 3

    1.2 课题研究意义 4

    2.相关技术介绍 4

    2.1 数据库技术 4

    2.2 ASP.NET介绍 5

    2.3 WEB程序设计技术 5

    3.系统需求分析 5

    3.1系统可行性分析 5

        3.2 系统功能需求分析 6

    3.3 系统功能模块 7

    3.4数据库设计 7

    4.系统功能详细设计 8

    4.1 系统前台模块 8

        4.2 后台模块 10

    5.系统WEB测试 11

    6.总结 12

    致  谢 13


    1.绪 论

    1.1 课题背景及发展趋势


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