
    摘要:随着当今社会的不断发展,汽车越来越成为大众出行的代步工具,越来越多的人考取驾照,如何确保驾驶员都有良好驾驶知识成为人们关注的焦点,基于此设计了驾驶员理论考试模拟系统。在该系统的设计中,前台界面的设计和相关功能的实现采用Visual Studio 2010来开发,后台采用SQL Server 2008数据库来实现。本文中主要简单介绍了该系统的主要功能,重点分析了该系统的设计过程、功能模块的实现原理。该系统主要实现了在线出题、自动评分、在线考试等功能。该系统界面简洁,操作简单,能够基本满足用户要求。50919

    毕业论文关键词:在线考试;Visual Studio 2010;SQL Server 2008

    The Design and Implementation of Driver Theory Exam Simulation System

    Abstract: With the continuous development of today's society, more and more cars become a popular means of transport to travel, more and more people obtain a driver's license, how to ensure that the driver has a good driving knowledge has become the focus of attention, based on the design of the driver theory exam simulation system. In the design of the system to achieve front interface improvement and related functions use Visual Studio 2010, background database using SQL Server 2008 to implement, in this paper briefly describes the main tool for system development, focusing on analysis and design process of the system to realize the principle of functional modules. The system implements the topic online, automatic scoring, online exams and other functions. The System page is simple and easy to operate, basically meet user requirements.

    Key Words: The Online Test; Visual Studio 2010; SQL Server 2008

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 1

    1.研究现状及意义 2

    1.1在线考试系统研究的背景及意义 2

    1.2在线考试系统研究的现状 2

    1.3在线考试系统研究的方法 2

    2.驾驶员理论考试系统分析 2

    2.1可行性分析 2

    2.2功能需求分析 3

    2.3系统具体功能分析 3

    3.驾驶员理论考试系统的总体设计 4

    3.1系统的开发运行环境 4

    3.2各模块的功能分析 4

    3.3数据库逻辑结构设计 5

    4.驾驶员理论考试系统的详细设计 6

    4.1登录模块设计 6

    4.2后台信息管理 7

    4.3前台考试 8

    5.总结 10

    参考文献 10

    致谢 12




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