
    摘 要:随着计算机技术与互联网的迅猛发展,酒店管理也日趋智能化。完整的管理系统可以做到信息的规范管理和快速查询,可以实现客房信息管理的系统化,规范化和自动化。这样可以提高管理工作量,提高市场竞争力。本系统主要采用C#技术,同时也结合了SQL Server 2008等技术,通过Visual Studio 2010开发工具并设计了管理系统。本文介绍了酒店管理系统的开发背景与可行性,阐述了系统的开发过程,从系统的需求分析、系统设计、系统实现、系统测试等进行了详细的说明。系统实现了客户信息管理、预约管理、客房管理、财务管理等几个模块。54230

    毕业论文关键词:Visual Studio 2010,C#,SQL Server 2008,酒店管理。

    Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology and the Internet, the hotel management has become more and more intelligent. The complete management system can standardize information management and rapid query; can realize the systematization of the guest room information management, standardization and automation. This can increase the workload management, improve market competitiveness. This system mainly uses C# technology, combining SQL Server 2008 technology, through the Visual Studio 2010 development tools and design management system. This paper introduces the development background and feasibility of hotel management system, describes the system development process, from system requirements analysis, system design, system implementation, system testing and so on are illustrated. The system realizes the customer information management, order management, room management, financial management and other modules.

    Keywords: Visual Studio 2010, C#, SQL Server 2008, Hotel Management.

    目  录

    1 前言 1

    1.1 酒店管理系统的现状 1

    1.2 开发环境及工具介绍 1

    2 系统分析 5

    2.1 系统的整体设计 5

    2.2系统的功能模块设计 6

    3 数据库的设计 7

    3.1 数据库的概念设计 7

    3.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 11

    4 系统实现 13

    4.1功能主模块的实现 13

    4.2 房态图的界面实现 15

    4.3预约信息界面实现 16

    4.4 财务日核界面实现 18

    4.5房间类型价格状态图的实现 19

    5系统测试 21

    5.1程序的运行环境 21

    5.2 前后台主页面测试及结果 21

    5.3测试分析及总结 24

    结  论 26

    参考文献 27

    致  谢 28

    1 前言


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