
    摘 要:现在这个时代正处于飞速发展的信息时代,信息处理已经广泛应用于各行各业中,计算机已经成为信息处理的重要工具。计算机凭借能够对信息管理的优势,对信息数据进行控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。计算机在复杂信息处理方面能够充分发挥它的优越性。计算机进行信息管理与信息管理系统的开发密切相关,系统的开发是系统管理的前提。 如今的汽车4S店不单单只负责汽车销售,从店内员工的人事管理,以及车辆入库到销售、保养直至车辆生命周期结束都与4S店的经营与长久发展有着密不可分的联系。本系统可以对4S店的员工和车辆进行有效的管理,提高工作效率和经营管理的质量。67610

    汽车4S店管理系统采用C/S结构,主要对企业员工的信息、人事相关的工作流程、车辆入库以及车辆保养进行集中的管理,从而建立一个完善的员工信息和车辆信息数据库。系统是采用VS2010和SQL 2008 R2数据库作为开发平台。用C#语言设计操作窗体编写操作程序,完成数据输入、修改、存储、调用查询、报表导入等功能;并使用SQL 2008 R2数据库创建数据表,进行数据存储。

    毕业论文关键字:4S店管理系统、C# 、VS2010、SQL Server 2008 R2、C/S

    Abstract:Today is the rapid development of information age. All walks of life can not operate without information transact. Computer has gradually become an important tool for information processing system. The advantages of computer are processing the information management and controlling information, which not only promote the working efficiency, but also enhance its security. Especially for the complicated information management, computer can give full play to its superiority. The information management of computer is closely relative with the development of information management system. The system development is the precondition of system management. Nowadays, automobile 4S dealers are not simply responsible for sale. Personnel management for employees and the process from vehicle storage, sale, maintenance to the end of vehicle life cycle are strongly associated with management and long-term development of automobile 4S shops.

    Auto 4s shops management system adopts C/S structure, mainly for the centralized management of employee information, personnel-related work flow, vehicle storage and maintenance, so that enterprise can create a complete employee and vehicle information database. It adopts both VS2010 and SQL 2008 R2 database as a development platform, utilizes C# programming language’s design forms and write programs to finish data input, modification, storage, invocation, query, report importation and other functions, and at this time uses SQL 2008 R2 database to create data sheet for data storage.

    Key words: Auto 4s shops vehicle management system、C# 、VS2010、SQL Server 2008 R2、C/S 

    目    录

    1引言 4

    1.1 课题来源 4

    1.2 国内外的发展状况 4

    1.3 课题开发环境与目标 5

    2 核心相关的概念与技术 5

    2.1 SQL Server 2008 r2简介 5

    2.2 可编程性和数据集 5

    3 系统介绍 6

    3.1 需求分析 6

    3.2 系统功能设计 7

    4 数据库设计 10

    4.1 数据库描述 10

    4.2 数据库分析 10

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