
    摘  要:本文论述了C/S结构的城市酒店入住管理系统的,主要包括系统的需求分析、方案论证、模块设计、数据设计、详细设计及系统测试等。该系统实现了六个功能模块:客房管理,用于管理酒店客房信息;预定服务,帮助客人实现客房预定;来客登记,用于管理客人入住并记录相关信息;客房业务,将客人在酒店的所有消费记入数据库;客户换房,帮助客人更换入住的房间;离店结算,实现客人结算各项费用并退房。系统能够充分上满足酒店对客户在预订、入住、结账的整个流程的管理。该管理系统融入规范、科学的现代先进管理思想,能够通过信息手段大大提高工作效率。该系统采用VS2010 开发工具,采用了SQL Server2008 R2数据库。55765

    毕业论文关键字:城市酒店入住管理系统,C/S结构,VS2010 WinFrom,SQL Server2008

    Abstract:This article discusses the C / S structure of the city hotel occupancy management system development and design process, including system requirements analysis, demonstration program, module design, data design, detailed design and software testing. The system achieved a total of six main modules: Guest Room Management for managing information; scheduled services to help guests achieve rooms scheduled; visitor registration for managing guests and record relevant information; room service to all guests in the hotel's consumer in mind into the database; customers replace wards to help guests stay in the room; Check Clearing achieve settlement fees and check-out guests. These functional modules basically meet the guests in room reservations, occupancy and management requirements. The management system is integrated into the standard, scientific modern management thinking, improve the work efficiency of the work of the department. The system uses VS2010 WinFrom development tools to SQL Server2008 as the back-end database.

    Key words:hotel booking management system in the city,c/s structure,vs 2010 winform,sql server2008

    目   录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2 系统目标和意义 4

    2 系统开发技术及相关工具 4

    2.1 三层架构 4

    2.2 C#与Visual Studio 2010 5

    2.3 SQL与SQL Sever 2008 6

    3 系统分析 6

    3.1 运行环境 6

    3.2 需求分析 7

    3.3 系统功能 7

    4 数据库设计 10

    4.1 数据库概念设计 10

    4.2 数据库逻辑设计 13

    5 系统详细设计 17

    5.1 注册与登陆模块 17

    5.2 主界面 18

    5.3 客房管理模块 20

    5.4 预约服务模块 21

    5.5 来客登记模块 22

    5.6 客房业务模块 24

    5.7 客户换房模块 26

    5.8 离店结算模块 26

    5.9 留言板模块 28

    6 系统测试 30

    结论 32

    参考文献 33

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