
    摘要: 二十一世纪,随着互联网技术的应用和发展,传统面对面的信息交流方式逐步过渡到以互联网为平台的信息交流方式。随着城市化进程的快速发展,房屋出租在人们生活中起到越来越重要的作用,以互联网为平台的房屋出租网站在房屋租赁市场中日益重要。房屋出租网站作为一个传递信息的媒介,具有高效、便捷的特点,是解决房屋租赁问题的一个重要途径。人们通过房屋出租网站,能在最短时间完成房屋租赁。本文在进行租房用户需求的基础上,对房屋出租网站的数据库、界面和功能进行详细的分析和设计,然后实现了房屋出租网站。用户通过地区、户型以及租金等搜索条件可以快速获得租赁房源的信息;管理员必须对房源进行审核。本系统中采用PHP编程技术,以PHP作为编程语言,进行了系统设计,并使用MySQL数据库管理后台数据。本房屋出租网站在界面设计中以简约主义作为风格,能在视觉上给予用户良好的体验。本网站通过后台的操作,极大程度地增强了房屋信息的真实性,提高了工作效率。57277

    毕业论文关键词: 房屋出租;PHP;MySQL;网站设计

    Housing Rental Sites

    Abstract: In the 21st century, with the application and development of Internet technology, the traditional face-to-face communication mode of information is gradually changing over to the communication mode which takes the internet as platform. As the urbanization develops rapidly, housing rental plays an increasingly important role in people's daily lives. The housing rental sites which takes the internet as platform is increasingly important. 

    The rental network station which is efficient and convenient can be used as a media. It is an important way to solve the problem of housing rental. Through the housing rental site, people can complete the demand in the least time. In this paper, the database, interface and function of housing rental sites are analyzed and designed in detail which based on the needs of rental users. And then,the housing rental sites are realized. Through the search conditions like area,house type and money, users can rapidly obtain rental housing information. The administrator must review the house information.In this system, it uses PHP as a programming language to design systematically and uses MYSQL database to manage background data. The housing rental sites consider the simplicity as style which can bring good experience to people. Through the background operation, the sites greatly enhance the authenticity of the housing information and improve the efficiency.

    Keywords: House renting; PHP; MySQL; Web design 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 前言 1

    1.1.1 设计背景 1

    1.1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

    1.1.3 发展趋势 2

    1.2 房屋出租网站简述 3

    1.3 本毕业设计房屋出租网站开发计划 3

    2 开发环境 5

    2.1 网站设计语言概述 5

    2.1.1 HTML语言简介 5

    2.1.2 CSS语言 6

    2.1.3 PHP介绍 6

    2.2 编辑开发工具介绍 7

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