
    摘  要:近年来由于现代化的酒店越来越多,酒店的信息量也逐渐的变大,如何更好的管理酒店,使之效率最优,效益最大,成为酒店管理者的一大难题。然而我们可以利用计算机来简便这一问题,它能够使酒店管理变得更加简洁。本文完整的描述了去哪儿酒店管理系统从设计到完成的整个过程,本系统在Microsoft Visual Studio 2010开发环境下,通过c#语言并结合了SQL Server 2008,采用了三层架构。实现了酒店的日常管理,主要分为管理员和普通员工,功能包括:客房预订管理,客房入住管理,人员的管理等。本论文根据设计的功能展开,第一部分是引言,开发的意义以及论文的论文组织结构;接下来介绍了系统开发环境以及开发工具、技术介绍和需求分析;然后重点论述了系统的开发实现过程;最后介绍了系统测试和过程。58789

    毕业论文关键词:酒店管理系统,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,c#,SQL Server 2008,三层架构

    Abstract:In recent years, more and more modern hotels due to the amount of information, the hotel gradually becomes larger, how to better manage the hotel, so that the optimal efficiency, maximum benefit, has become a major problem for hotel managers. However, we can use the computer to this simple problem, it can make the hotel management easier. This paper describes the complete where the hotel management system from design to completion of the entire process, the system in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 development environment, using c# language combined with SQL Server 2008, using the three layer architecture. The daily management of the hotel, is pided into administrators and ordinary employees, features include: room reservation management, hotel management, personnel management etc.. This paper according to the design of the function, the first part is the introduction, development and significance of the paper structure; then introduced the system development environment and development tools, technology and demand analysis; and then focuses on the development of the system implementation process; the after introduced the system test and process.

    KeyWords: Hotel Management System, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ,c# ,SQL Server 2008,3-tier architecture 

    1  引言 5

    2  开发环境 6

    2.1  软件需求 6

    2.2  开发工具的介绍 6

    3  需求分析 7

    3.1  管理员 7

    3.2  普通员工 8

    4  系统设计 9

    4.1  功能结构 9

    4.2  系统流程图 9

    4.3  系统E-R图 11

    4.4  数据库具体实现 13

    5  三层架构 17

    5.1  三层架构简介 17

    5.2  三层分析 17

    6  酒店管理系统设计的实现 18

    6.1  系统实现流程 18

    6.2  登录模块设计 19

    6.3  管理员模块 20

    6.4  普通员工管理 28

    7  软件测试 43

    7.1  软件测试的作用 43

    7.2  单元测试

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