


    毕业论文关键词  图像压缩  离散余弦变换  红外图像  小波变换   matlab


    Title  Research on Compression Algorithm of infrared   Image                            

    Abstract Research of image processing has been in progress, Researchers continue to pursue high level in the transmission speed and obtain the image effect.

    So the image compression coding is very important in image processing step, we must guarantee the distortion reduction degree of compression. In recent years, application of infrared night vision technology in military field more and more prepared attention. Through the infrared thermal imaging system can get the infrared image, Infrared image characteristic properties different from the visible light image .In the process of transmission and processing of the image requires more attention, according to its characteristics to find suitable algorithm.

         This paper first analyzes the characteristics of infrared image, then it summarizes the theories about infrared image compression coding, and introduces the process of the development of image compression coding theory and code classification. Implementation of image compression using matlab, respectively for the discrete cosine transform and wavelet transform are studied and discussed.

    Keywords  Image Compression  DCT light level image Wavelet Transform  MATLAB


    1 引言 1

    1.1红外成像技术及红外图像特点 1

    1.2红外图像特点及性质 2

    1.3 MATLAB软件简介 5

    1.4图像压缩编码技术的发展概况 6

    1.5本文研究的主要内容 7

    2 红外图像压缩编码理论基础 8

    2.1 图像压缩编码的基本原理 8

    2.2图像压缩编码的基本方法 9

    2.3图像压缩标准 11

    3 基于DCT的图像压缩编码算法 12

    3.1 DCT变换基本原理 12

    3.2 DCT变换在JPEG图像压缩中的应用 14

    3.3MATLAB实现DCT的图像压缩编码 19

    4 基于小波变换的图像压缩编码算法 20

    4.1小波(WAVELET)变换 21

    4.2小波变换在图像压缩中的应用 23


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