




    毕业论文关键词   CBIR,SIFT算子,颜色直方图,形状不变矩


    Title             The Commodity Images Retrieval      Based On Contents            


    As the rapid development of e-commerce and the increasing demand for multi-way of commodity image retrieval online, the traditional commodity image retrieval based on text can no longer bring enough convenience. How to retrieve commodity images has been a problem that needs to be solved.

    Aiming to solve the problem, several image retrieval algorithms are proposed. This dissertation did a throughout requirement analysis and feasibility analysis of the image retrieval system, designed and implemented each and every functional module. 

    This system processes and analyzes the image from the user's input, extracts the features from the source image, which will be used as the search criteria to find the most top ten images shares the similarity. This feature extraction can be done in several different ways, including color histogram, moment invariant, SIFT operator and so on.

    Some tests have proved that this system can meet the basic requirements of content based image retrieval.

    Keywords:CBIR, SIFT operator, color histogram, moment invariant

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究目的 1

    1.2  研究背景 1

    1.3  研究意义 2

    2  相关技术的研究发展状况 2

    2.1  图像特征提取技术 3

    2.1.1  颜色特征 3

    2.1.2  纹理特征 3

    2.1.3  形状特征 4

    2.1.4  空间关系特性 5

    2.1.5  图像特征性能评价 5

    2.2  相似度计算技术 6

    2.3  SIFT算法 7

    3  开发工具和环境 8

    3.1  开发工具 8

    3.1.1  OpenCV 1.0版本 8

    3.1.2  GSL运行库 1.8版本 8

    3.2  系统环境的配置 8

    3.2.1  OpenCV的配置 8

    3.2.2  GSL的配置 10

    4  系统总体设计 11

    4.1  需求分析

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