
    摘要SAP 是全球企业管理软件与解决方案的技术领袖,同时也是市场领导者。通过其应用软件、服务与支持,SAP持续不断向全球各行业企业提供全面的企业级管理软件解决方案。

    DB 的介绍:DB(英文全称data base,数据库)是依照某种数据模型组织起来并存放二级存储器中的数据集合。60132

    内容分布服务:内容分布服务就是将相同的文件数据分发到网络中的多个节点,它一直以来都是互联网研究的一个重要课题,其最关心的问题在于如何提高网络带宽资源的利用率。随着互联网的迅猛发展,迅速增长的用户群使得传统C/S结构不堪重负,同时传统的IP多播未能大规模的普及应用使建立基于SAP DB实现内容分布服务软件需要尽早实现。

    毕业论文关键词  SAP   DB   内容分布服务    瓶颈   网络带宽


    Title  SAP DB-based content distribution service adjustment software design and implementation                      


    SAP is the technology leader in global business management software and solutions, but also the market leader. Through its application software, service and support, SAP is continuing to global industries and enterprises to provide comprehensive enterprise-class management software solutions.

    Introduction of DB: DB (English name data base, database) in accordance with a data model to organize and store the collection of data in the secondary storage.

    Content distribution services: content distribution services the same file data is to be distributed to multiple nodes in the network, it has always been an important topic of Internet research, the greatest concern is how to improve the utilization of network bandwidth resources. With the rapid development of the Internet, a rapidly growing user base makes the traditional C / S structure overwhelmed traditional IP multicast can not be large-scale popularization and application of the need to achieve as soon as possible to establish SAP DB-based content distribution services software.

    Keywords SAP DB CDN   Bottleneck   Network bandwidth


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景及意义 1

    1.2 课题的研究现状 1

    1.3 论文的主要研究工作 3

    2 SAP  DB介绍 4

    2.1 SAP DB的简单介绍 4

    2.2 SAP DB的工作原理及其特点 4

    2.3 SAP的系统模块 5

    2.4 SAP的主要模块 6

    2.5 本章小结 7

    3 内容分布服务的介绍 8

    3.1 内容分布服务的简单介绍 8

    3.2 内容分布服务的原理 9

    3.3 内容分布服务的关键技术 11


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