
    scheme total eleven kinds of representative key management protocols and
    schemes. Compare and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
    2. Conduct research on secure routing in wireless sensor network
    environment, Analyze and summary the LEACH routing protocol and the GEAR
    routing protocol two kinds of typical secure routing protocols. Compare
    and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
    3. Conduct research on intrusion detection in wireless sensor network
    environment. Analyze and summary the intrusion detection mechanism based
    on hidden Markov model ,the intrusion detection mechanism based on game
    theory and intrusion detection based on clustering algorithm total three
    kinds of typical intrusion detection mechanisms. Compare and analyze their
    advantages and disadvantages.
    4. Conduct research on data fusion technology in wireless sensor network
    environment. Analyze and summary the point-to-point secure data fusion
    protocol based on the Merkle-hash tree , point-to-point secure data
    fusion scheme based on the the digital signature and the data fusion
    scheme based on digital water marking total three kinds of typical data
    fusion technology . Compare and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
    5. Conduct research on n ode security positioning technology in wireless
    sensor network environment. Analyze and summary the p ositioning method
    of TDOA, the p ositioning method of AOA, the p ositioning method of
    RSSI, the p ositioning method of c entroid and the p ositioning method of APIT
    total five kinds of typical n ode security positioning technolog ies.
    Compare and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
    Finally, a summary of the full text and prospects the future direction of
    development of wireless sensor network.
    Key words wireless sensor network security secure routing intrusion
    detection key management d ata fusion n ode security positioning
    目 次
    1 引言  1
    1.1 无线传感网概述  1
    1.2 无线传感网的特征  2
    1. 3 无线传感网的历史及研究现状  4
    1.4 本文的主要内容  5
    2 无线传感网的安全体系结构  6
    2.1 无线传感网的安全需求  6
    2.2 无线传感网面临的安全攻击与威胁  8
    2.3 无线传感网的安全机制  12
    3 无线传感网环境下的密钥管理技术分析和综述  13
    3.1 无线传感网密钥管理的性能评价指标  13
    3.2 无线传感网密钥管理技术分类  15
    3.3 典型的无线传感网密钥管理方案和协议  18
    3.4 本章小结  27
    4 无线传感网环境下的安全路由技术分析和综述  27
    4.1 层次式路由协议  27
    4.2 基于位置的路由协议  28
    4.3 本章小结  29
    5 无线传感网环境下的入侵检测技术分析和综述  29
    5.1 基于隐马尔可夫模型的入侵检测机制  29
    5.2 基于博弈论的入侵检测机制  31
    5.3 基于分簇算法的入侵检测  32
    5.4 本章小结  33
    6 无线传感网环境下的数据融合技术分析和综述  33
    6.1 点到点安全数据融合协议  33
    6.2 端到端安全数据融合方案  35
    6.3 本章小结  35
    7 无线传感网环境下的安全定位技术分析和综述  36
    7.1 基于测距的定位算法  36
    7.2 无需测距的定位方法  38
    7.3 本章小结  40
    结论  41
    致谢  45
    参考文献  46
    图 1-1 无线传感网通信体系结构图  2
    图 1-2 传感器节点基本结构示意图  2
    图 2-1 女巫攻击示意图  10
    图 2-2 污水池攻击示意图  11
    图 2-3 蠕虫洞攻击示意图  11
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