    摘要本文主要讲述的是 基于 android 系统的手机流量计算软件的设计与实现。近年来 , 随着智能手机产业的蓬勃发展 , 智能手机的普及率也逐步上升 , 针对智能手机开展的各项服务也应运而生 。 其中 , 由于用户对网络功能的需求 , 移动互联网服务已成为智能手机用户主要使用的几种服务之一 。 手机与移动网络连接就必然会带来流量的使用,于是就产生了上网费用。然而,针对智能手机开发的众多应用程序 ,大多数都带有网络功能 , 一些开发者会在用户不知情的状况下让应用程序在后台主动联网,因而造成用户上网流量增加,产生不必要的费用。本文中介绍的手机流量计算软件,是在 eclipse 工具下,以 Java 语言开发出来的应用程序 。 该应用程序通过读取手机的网络数据 , 可以 查看手机中所有应用程序的联网状况 , 并针对一个时间段的流量使用状况进行查询 , 从而方便用户了解自己手机的流量使用状况,合理分配流量的使用,关闭不必要的网络进程。61004
    毕业论文关键词 android 手机流量 计算 查询
    Abstract Abstract This paper mainly describes the design of a Data Control App for Androidcell phone .In recent years, with the rapid development of the smartphone industry,the penetration of smartphone is also gradually increased, which makes theservices carried out around smartphone also arises fastly. Which, due to thedemand of the network functions, M obile Internet services has become one ofthe mainly services that smartphone users use . The connection betweencellphones and M obile Internet connection is bound to bring traffic, and th enthe Internet fee has came. However, most of the applications designed for smartphones developed has network functions, and some developers may let theapplication connectting to the Internet in the background with out noticingthe users,which can result in the user's Internet fee increas ing and bringthem unnecessary costs.The Data Control App described in this paper is developed in Javalanguage , by a software named Eclipse .Th is application can check all theapplications ’ data record by reading the phone ’ s network data. So it willbe convinent for users to understand their cellphone ’ s flow datasituation,and making a right distribution of their data traffic. Also,theywill now how to deal with those applications in their pohnes,keeping them orjust deleting them.
    Key words Data traffic Android Inquiry 


    摘要  I

    Abstract  II

    1 绪论  1

    1.1 手机移动互联网进展  1

    1.2 手机系统现状  2

    1.3 课题任务  3

    1.4 开发环境与工具  3

    1.5 开发技术要素  3

    2 相关技术简介  4

    2.1 面向对象程序设计方法  4

    2.2 开发环境及相关技术介绍  4

    2.2.1 关于 Linux  4

    2.2.2 关于 Eclipse  5

    2.2.3 Android 相关  6

    2.2.4 Andriod SDK  9

    2.2.5 Android Development Tools  9

    3 软件需求分析  10

    3.1 系统流量问题  10

    3.2 系统功能性需求分析  10

    3.3 系统非功能性需求分析  11

    4 系统总体方案  12

    4.1 基本框架  12

    4.1.1 Android 与传统 Win32 应用开发区别  12

    4.1.2 Android 应用文件结构  13

    4.2 流量计算功能整体需求  14

    5 详细设计  15

    5.1 编写布局文件  15

    5.1.1 软件主界面  15

    5.1.2 值文件  17

    5.2 主程序文件  18

    5.2.1 Showmain.java  18

    5.2.2 DataSupport.java  21

    5.2.3 TrafficStats 类  23

    5.2.4 MyDatePickerDialog.java  24

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