

    毕业论文关键字:农村居民医疗保险; 信息管理系统; 信息化

    Analysis and Research of New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance Management Information System

    Abstract: In order to meet the need of new rural cooperative medical insurance needs of business, some relevant agencies decided to adopt computer technology for management of medical insurance business, so software engineers developed a new rural cooperative medical insurance management information system. The core ideas of this system include Data centralization, Service extends downward, information sharing through network. This system is aimed at achieving full information management of social security agencies at Fengxian District of Shanghai. During the whole process, it can store data reasonably and ensure the storage of original data is complete and integrated. Specifically, the system achieved many functions such as collecting medical insurance fees, paying medical insurance expenses, searching business-related information etc. In order to facilitate management and fully use storage resources. Data of all local insured persons is concentrated in the engine of the database server, all medical agencies connect to this server through the application to read relative data and handle all medical insurance business. The development process of new rural cooperative medical insurance information system experienced several stages, such as the study of feasibility, analysis of specific demands for software system, design of detailed functional, test of software and install process, and ultimately achieve these functions. After testing this system, it basically met the actual needs and played an important role in the work of the medical insurance management.

    Keywords: Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance; Information Management; Software System

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究目的 1

    (三)研究方法 1

    (四)核心概念 2

    二、国内外研究评述 2

    (一)国内研究状况综述 2

    (二)国外研究状况综述 3

    三、新农合医保管理系统需求分析 3

    (一)整体需求分析 3

    (二)系统需求介绍 4

    (三)医保系统具体业务分析 4

    四、医保系统设计分析 7


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