
    摘要: 随着Unity引擎学习的门槛不断降低,越来越多的开发者使用Unity来开发游戏,本论文课题是使用Unity制作一款2D横版过关游戏,游戏的玩法类似于合金弹头,但也有很大的不同,加入了射击的元素,就像第一人称游戏里玩家用鼠标瞄准一样,这里要使用鼠标来完成瞄准与射击的内容。在纸上大概制定出游戏的玩法之后就开始进行美术资源的绘制,游戏的美术风格为美国西部牛仔的风格,论文的主要内容是游戏制作的过程,先使用painter以及数位板进行人物素材的绘制,完成后导入dragonbones pro制作骨骼动画,随后将动画以帧动画的形式导入Unity建立工程,美术资源大概用了两周左右的时间,游戏中的使用C#作为所有脚本代码,UI部分使用Unity自带的UGUI,后面基本上是一边制作一边设计,在完成了主要的内容之后是对一些细节内容的补充,比如血条,换武器这些功能等等,最后是使用Unity开发所总结出的经验,以及在开发项目过程中的收获。62267

    毕业论文关键词: unity;2D;横版;射击;骨骼动画;C# ;UGUI;

    Based on Unity“Unforgiven”game design


    With the Unity engine continue to lower the threshold of learning, more and more developers to use Unity to develop the game, the subject of this paper is to use Unity making a 2D horizontal clearance version of the game, the gameplay is similar to Metal Slug, but also a great different, he joined the fire element, like a first-person game where players use the mouse to aim, as here, to use the mouse to aim and shoot the complete content. After the paper probably worked out gameplay began drawing art resources, the game's art style cowboy style, the main content of the thesis is the process of game production, as well as drawing the first painter to use the tablet be creative figures after completion of the import dragonbones pro production skeletal animation, then the animation frame of the animation in the form of import Unity establish engineering, art resources probably spent about two weeks time, the game's use C # for all script code, UI part comes with Unity the UGUI, the back side of the production side of the design is basically, after the completion of the main content for some of the details of the supplement, such as the blood, these functions etc. in exchange for weapons, and finally the use Unity to develop the lessons learned, and harvest in the process of developing the project.

    Keywords: unity;2D;Horizontal version;Shooting Game;Skeletal animation;C# ;UGUI;

    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 目前UNITY引擎的发展情况 1

    1.1.1 Unity国内外现状 1

    1.1.2 Unity2D游戏的发展状况 3

    1.2 UNITY引擎的特点 3

    2 游戏设计概述 5

    2.1 游戏论述 5

    2.2 游戏背景 5

    2.3 场景设计 5

    2.4 角色设计 5

    2.5 NPC设计

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