
    摘要随着科技的发展,二十一世纪成为了以网络化,信息化为核心的社会。网络商业化也成为了时下最热门的词汇。随着信息技术的不断更新,特别是07年谷歌公司推出了Android开放源码,让Android操作系统成为了移动平台的宠儿,本系统主要分析了中小型餐饮店管理与发展的现状所面临的问题,发现传统的服务模式已经不能适应市场发展的需求,方便、快捷、个性化的网上订餐服务正在进入人们的生活。针对这类问题,结合当代科技发展的新成果,本文构思规划了一套最贴切的服务模式,为中小型餐饮店外送服务提供了一套系统。2010 年末数据显示,仅正式推出两年,Android 在市场占有率上已经超越称霸十年的诺基亚 Symbian 系统,跃居全球最受欢迎的智能手机平台。论文首先对 Android 智能系统的架构和特征做了简要的介绍,讨论了开发环境搭建方法和 Android 程序的组织结构,对程序开发过程中设计的 Android 组件和应用开发技术做了相对详细的研究和讨论。然后针对易商通电子商务交易平台,运用 Android 平台应用开发的方法,在 Android 平台上设计并实现了基于该平台的移动电子商务软件应用,并开发独立的支持客户端之间实时通信的功能模块。62318

    本设计是一个基于Android手机的网上订餐系统,采用C/S模式,能为客户提供网上选择浏览菜品介绍,点菜订餐服务,并为管理员提供一个服务平台实现用户信息与顾客订单的管理,从而提高了服务的质量,本文从系统需求、系统实际、代码实现几个方面介绍了整个软件的开发过程,这个系统采用JAVA、SQL Server数据库,并利用MyEclipse、TOMCAT、Android SDK、ADT、AVD、DDMS等开发环境或者开发工具。

    毕业论文关键词:安卓 无线 餐饮 服务 管理系统

    The Wireless Restaurant Management Information System Based on Android

    ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology,the 21st century has become a society centered on information and network.Hence commercialization of network has become one of the hottest topics in recent years. Android operating system is gradually going to be the darling of the mobile platform, which results from the constantly updating of information technology, especially the appearance of  Android open source carried out by Google company in 2007. The system mentioned in this article mainly focus on the problems faced by the middle and small restaurants in their management and development, and finds that the traditional service mode can not adapt to the needs of the development of the market any more.A more convenient, quicker,and personalized service enters people’s life——online reservations. In view of the existing problems and combining the latest achievements of the development of modern technology, I have conceived a set of the most appropriate pattern of dilivery service for the restaurant industry. Firstly this paper give a brief introduction of Android system architecture and features, then discussed the methods of building Android development environment and the basic structure of the Android application program, after that a application program on Android platform was designed and implemented based on the platform of the e-commerce trading platform.

    This design is a online reservations system based on the Android mobile phones, which adopts C/S mode. It can provide services for clients to choose dishes introduction freely ,and to order meal actively.Besides, it can also offer a service platform for manager to regulate the user information and customer orders, so as to improve the quality of their services.In this article, I’d like to introduce the whole development process of this software in details from the system requirements, system realization,code implementation and some other aspects.This system uses JAVA,SQL Server database,in addition, MyEclipse、TOMCAT、Android SDK、ADT、AVD、DDMS and other development environments or development tools are also used in it.

  1. 上一篇:Unity2D横版过关射击游戏设计
  2. 下一篇:《数据结构》微课程设计与实现
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