




    Abstract The bank customer relationship management system is based on helping small and medium-sized banks or rural bank agricultural credit and design of customer information management system, the full realization of the system of the bank to the customer information management requirements can be convenient and efficient help bank of agricultural credit business.

    This topic is to solve the problem of the current small and medium-sized banks or rural banks in the face of bad credit. The development of system application software is the open source tool eclipse. The project type is the web project with B/S structure as the main body of the whole project, around the development and design of the project. The browsing and accessing operation of the system is carried out through the browser, and the database management of the system is carried out using the Oracle database. The design of the system to chooses MVC for the design language Java as the development mode. The realization of the process uses the springmvc+mybatis framework to complete the page display, the flow control layer and the background data interaction. According to the demand analysis, the system function is designed to be the user login function module, the system management module and the information management three function modules. User login module main function is to achieve user login authentication and page Jump distribution. The main function of the system management module is the implementation of user management, role management, institutional management, password modification, system log and data dictionary; information management module, the main function is to achieve customer information, family information and personal information management authorization operation. Banking institutions to use the system to assist in the agricultural credit business, can effectively help banks to reduce non-performing loan ratio and improve the safety of agricultural credit business.

    This paper mainly introduces the module design of the main frame of the system purpose, the body of the system architecture, system of the template and corresponding functions, after debugging and testing, the system can achieve the expected goal.

    Keywords:  agricultural credit; relationship management; module

    第一章  绪论

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