



    Traditional calculation method of the experimental teaching is to use the PPT showing  students various kinds of calculation methods directly, this approach makes students feel boring and difficult to understand, therefore adopts the multimedia teaching method is particularly important.

    Before the development of computer technology, relatively difficult of the various mathematical model and the numerical method, in the help of computer simulation of relatively simple many, this has become the necessary professional skills. Calculation method is a biased towards the theoretical research of discipline, thus for students not only boring but also learning is difficult, more difficult is the repetition of the algorithm itself. Algorithm retrieval process is not in order to explore the realizability of or program can run, but in order to deepen students' understanding of algorithm and cultivate the students' programming ability, familiar with the project development process and code debugging skills, etc. With his study calculation method of result, I designed the multimedia method to calculate the teaching system, the system according to the calculation method of the skill tree ensures complete knowledge structure, at the same time will each experiment on the basis of experiment purpose, the experimental results, the experimental process, such as blend, technically using several common software development, design a set of basic conform to the teaching of multimedia system .Highlight this system solves the existing calculation method of teaching means is not intuitive, comparison, abstract and difficult to understand the problem for many students, the formula for computing the abstract the calculation method of complex process, the key is to cultivate students' practical ability, students in the learning at the same time can easily interact with the system, enables the students to more intuitive and convenient to understand knowledge, this is not only beneficial to stimulate students' learning interest and motivation, but also gave the students easy to master more knowledge to show an interest in the subject, arouse the students' active learning initiative and enthusiasm. Finally, this system has good usability , scalable, stability, and high execution efficiency.

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