



    毕业论文关键词:网上购物;JSP;SQL server

     Abstract With the continuous development of social progress, as well as our technology, the information age is getting closer, businesses are slowly began to popularize a new model of information technology, online shopping management system and thus also appear. It is a specific implementation of shopping become information technology. Consumers can connect with the Internet, browse merchandise, than for goods, orders to buy goods, you can complete before their own homes to go shopping and buy a home large bags of shopping behavior. So convenient, time-saving way to more and more accepted. Which saves time, cost, space-saving feature is also very consistent with the rapid development of today's society.

    Online shopping is a database management system technology, data storage, data query, data display and other acts through database technology to achieve this critical to the core JAVA development language, combined with JSP web development scripting language development completed. The system overcomes the shortcomings of traditional online shopping management, highlighting the interactive, real-time, effectiveness and user-friendly features. The system uses a user-friendly design concepts and scientific evaluation system, users can log in the system, access to information about online shopping, online shopping to obtain guarantees timeliness.

    This paper is based on the now more and more, more and more urgent demand, online shopping is increasingly common way, more and more accepted by the public, people began to pay more attention to online shopping this convenient way to shop . We have to offer online shopping efficiency, improve distribution efficiency of various types of failures and publish product information, but also in order to facilitate consumer inquiries product information, easy vendor to add, modify, delete relevant product information, and the development of a more convenient fast, secure and efficient online shopping system. Ads aimed at improving business efficiency, greatly facilitate online shopping information, query, add, modify and so on. 

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