

    本课题从高校的使用需求出发,考虑到使用过程中的实际情况,为解决教师在录入年度工作总结过程中遇到的录入数据困难、数据杂乱、数据不安全等问题,设计并实现了教师年度工作总结填报系统。本系统的录入界面简单明了,数据录入清晰,为教师提供良好的输入环境,并建立有序、安全的教师工作资料数据库。本系统采用的是B/S架构,使用Intellij Ide开发工具,采用Spring、Strusts2、MyBatis框架,数据库采用MySQL数据库。本系统包含工作日志、论文、工作填报等模块,任一模块可以进行添加、查询、更改和删除等操作。本系统包含明晰的权限分级,每个角色能够有自己相应模块的使用权限。


    Abstract This is a highly informative world, effectively access and analysis of information can make the work more efficient and convenient.As colleges and universities, it is very important to understand the work of teachers in a timely manner, to accurately analysis the results of the work of teachers, and to carry out the development of teaching work.This topic discuss the needs of colleges and universities, taking the actual situation of using the process into account. In order to solve the problems encountered in the process of entering the annual work summary of the input data, data clutter, data insecurity and other issues, this paper designs and implements the teacher's annual work summary reporting system. The input interface of the system is simple and clear, data entry is clear, to provide a good environment for teachers to input, and to establish an orderly and safe working information database of teachers. This system uses the B/S structure, using Intellij Ide development tool, using Spring, Strusts2, MyBatis framework, using MySQL database. This system includes work log, papers, work and other modules, a module can be added, query, change and delete operations. The system contains a clear hierarchy of rights, each role can have its own use rights of appropriate module .

    Key words: Teacher; job summary; reporting system; Web; MySQL


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 论文主要内容和结构 2

    第二章 开发系统相关技术 3

    2.1 系统架构介绍 3

    2.2 系统程序框架介绍 3

    2.3 系统数据库平台介绍 4

    2.4 系统服务器介绍 5

    2.5 本章小结 5

    第三章 系统需求分析 6

    3.1系统任务概述 6

    3.2 需求分析 6

    3.2.1 功能性需求 6

    3.2.2 非功能性需求 7

    3.3 系统可行性研究 7

    3.3.1技术可行性 7

    3.3.2经济可行性 8

    3.4 系统功能模块分析 8

    3.5 本章小结 11

    第四章 系统设计 12


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